The Holy Family & The Synod of the Family


  1. It's a very worthy prayer as we face the Synod. As an unwillingly divorced Catholic, I've (mostly) made peace with the fact that I can't repartner, and that I'd be bound to reconcile with my wife if she were ever receptive to it (I'm still genuinely fond of her, so that last wouldn't be a hardship). I tend to think it's probably the cross I'm *meant* to carry. For myself, I think we can count ourselves fortunate that our Church has both the compassion and humanity of Pope Francis on one hand, and the conservatism and restraint of many of the bishops on the other. Having one without the other would not be good, I think. A bird needs both its wings to fly!

  2. Thank you, Stephen, for commenting and sharing your story. I am edified and impressed with your refusal to chafe at your cross. Not an easy thing. Your analysis is very fair, as well, and I pray that our Church weathers well the storms it is facing. God bless!


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