Your Saint for the Year 2012!

Where I prayerfully ask God to guide my hand in choosing for you a Saint Companion to guide your 2012....

FOR OUR 8th is time to pick a new saint to guide each of us this year, as we have done in years before. Did you get a saint last year? Blog about it...encourage this tradition.

It is said that the Saint picks YOU.

In our family, we post our Saints of the Year on our refrigerator so that we are constantly reminded of them... of our journey with them... to be inspired by what their life can teach us in our faith journey. It becomes a great learning and spiritual study to google our saint and learn and read as much as we can about them.

With solemnity, we each fervently pray as our hand reaches into the basket. We ask that the saint God intends to "teach and journey " with us this year will choose us.

And they have been so meaningful to us. Sometimes a certain saint likes to stay and share themselves with other members of our Padre Pio, St. Therese's family and Mother Cabrini. We are growing in love for our saints. Some might say we are Saint Junkies!

Would you like to have a companion saint this year? CAN I PICK A SAINT FOR YOU?

Leave me a comment and I will leave you one back with a Saint Companion for 2012. Then, google all you can about them. Get a medal and post their prayer card on your mirror...learn from them and their struggles. Make it a New Year's resolution to let them transform you in some way!

All you holy men and women, ora pro nobis.

(This project becomes larger each year, thank you, Lord!  Please be patient with me as I gladly respond to requests as promptly as I can.)


  1. Could I possibly be the first one??? I would gladly have you pick a saint for us again this coming year! God Bless.

  2. Oh, Allison, I am so grateful you are doing this again! I really look forward to who our family will get each year! May God bless you family abundantly in the new year!

  3. Could you please pick a Patron Saint for me for 2012? Many thanks for all you do for Catholic homeschooling and consequently, for the Church as well...A Blessed, Happy, Healthy, and Holy New Year...Sheila

  4. We are a new Catholic family and would love to have a Saint for the Year. Could you pick one for us? Thank you!

  5. Allison, I'd love for a saint to choose me through you! Er, actually, could you do this for my family and me please? There are 6 of us. (Hope that's not too many!)
    God bless your new year!
    Gretchen & Patrick, Frank, John, Leo, and Faith Ann

  6. Allison~missed last year...but NOT this year : ) Would love a Saint to guide us and watch over us in the New Year. Thanks for your dedication.~Theresa

  7. Happy New Year, Allison! I would like to get in line (and I promise to wait patiently) for a saint to pick our family :) Thanks for doing this!

  8. Thank you for doing this, Alison!! Would you please select a patron saint for my family? God bless, Maureen

  9. What a wonderful idea! I am a new follower so this tradition is new to me. Would you please pick a saint for me? And maybe for my husband and 3 year old daughter? Or just one for our family? However you do it is great! Thank you! :)
    purplekoolaid (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. I love the idea of a saint companion for the year - please pick a saint for me! Blessings, Wendy

  11. Merry Christmas, Allison!

    I'd love to have you pick a saint for me.

    Diane Toler
    Glenmoore, PA

  12. Happy New Year, Alison and thank you for doing it yet again. Could you, please, pick patron saints for the members of our family: Alexander, Joanna, Christopher, Timothy and Thomas
    God bless you,

  13. Dear Friend,
    would you please. Thank you


  14. You sent my family one last year, would you be so kind as to send us one for this year too? Thank you so much for your kindness!

  15. Alison, thank you for doing this. Would you choose a saint for our family, too. God Bless and Happy New Year!

  16. I would love for you to pick a Saint for me. Than ks so much!

    Brandi L.

  17. Yes! Please send a companion our way! Peace and love to you. Thank you for blog! -Carly F.

  18. We would love to participate again this year. Thank you for this ministry!
    Angela, Jason, Gianna (3), Joshua (6 months)

  19. I would love it, if you could find me a friend in heaven!!
    God bless you for doing this, and thanks for being a good internet-friend!!

  20. We would love for you to pick a saint for us this year! We will also be patient! Thank you for doing this.

  21. We would love for you to pick a saint for us this year! We will also be patient. Thank you for doing this!

  22. Allison,
    Thank you so much for doing this again. Could you please prayerfully draw a Saint for me?


  23. Thank you, Allison! Our son is home on leave from the Navy and we are all together tonight. It would be wonderful for you to choose a patron saint for our family. We have been so blessed by this in the past. It's good that we have friends in high places :)!

    Thanks again and God bless,

  24. Please and thank you and sending lots of love from our homoe to yours!

  25. Our family would love a patron saint. We are also homeschoolers and have four children. Thanks and may God bless you abundantly in 2012.

    Kelly, Jerry, Conor, Claire, Ryan & Sean

  26. Allison, this is a wonderful idea. I'm so glad I found you on the CCE list. Could you please choose a saint for me for 2012? Thank you.

  27. Thanks so much for doing this!! I emailed you earlier this week about wanting a saint for myself, husband and son... thank you! God bless. <><

  28. So glad you are doing this again this year, Allison. I'd love for a saint to pick me for the year, through your hand!!

  29. Oh, I would love for you to consider a Saint for me! Thank you! Nancy

  30. Hi Allison,

    If anyone would like to talk more about what saint you chose for this new year and why you chose them could shoot me an email at the St. Louis Review: or Tweet it to #catholicstl


  31. I like the way your saints choose you Allison! I was picked by Saint Margaret Clitherow through a saint generator and I was thinking that the Holy Spirit led me to her... but I think I like your thinking. St. Margaret picked me! Otherwise I would have been happy for you to pick one for me! Happy New Year!

  32. I would love a patron saint for this year. I am a Catholic raising my son with my atheist husband. Yikes! I need all the saintly help I can get! Thank you so much for doing this, it's so sweet of you.

    Lindsey from

  33. Hi Allison,
    Could you please pick a saint for me aagain this year and if I may ask for one for my husband, John?
    Many blessings to you and thank you so much.

  34. Hi Alison,
    Our family lives on Canada. Would you be willing to pick a Saint for us as well? Thanks in advance

  35. I was looking forward to this again this year! Last years Saints were such a blessing!
    Raffy (Dad)
    Josette (Mom)
    Joey (7 yo)
    Pax (5, going on 6 yo)

  36. Hi Allison,
    I'd like a companion saint. Even though my name is Michael, I am a female. I don't know if that matters, but when I've done this in the past I always get male saints. Lol I think I'd like to have someone I can relate to.
    Thanks and many blessings,

  37. Hi Allison, the Mesco family would love to have a saint for 2012! What a beautiful tradition.... :)

  38. Thank you so much Allison! Our family would love to be blessed with a saint! Many blessings in the coming New Year!

  39. Hi, I am new to this tradition, and to your site. Please pick a saint for my family and I to share. Thank you so much!


  40. God bless you all! Happy New year!

    Mesco Family - St. John the Evangelist

    Michael Slappy Pants - Hope this doesn't disappoint but my hand was led to a male saint, the one that transcribed the bible - St. Jerome.

    KayKristo - St. John the Baptist
    Raffy - Our Lady of Mount Carmel (wear the scapular!)
    Josette -St. maria Faustina
    Joey - St. Bernadette of Lourdes
    Pax - Bl. Francisco of Fatima

    Andrea from Canada - St. Francis Xavier

    Jennifer - St. Catherine of Siena
    John - Anne Catherine Emmerick and St. Clare of ASsissi.

    MamaMunky - St. Cecilia

    Nancy - Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity (We had her recently and enjoyed learning about her)

    Gardenia - St. Luke the Evangelist

    ;)Jessica - sorry for the delay - St. Timothy, disciple of Paul for you and for your husband jewish intellectual and convert, Edith Stein, St. Teresa Bendicta. For your son,St. Jeanne of Chantal.

    DaisyKatStudio - St. Ignatius of Loyola

    Kelly's family saint - St. Camille of Lellis. (we've had this saint twice and loved learning about him)

    Josie - Mother Cabrini!

    Mychelle - St. Anne, grandmother of Our Lord

    Judy - St. JoseMaria Escriva

    Kristin S. - St. Leo, Doctor

    NuthinLikeAGatorMomma - St. margaret Mary Alacoque of First Friday devotions

    Angela Unknown - Bl. Joseph Marie Cassant and Jason - St. Catherine of genoa and Giana - St. Peter Julian Eymard of eucharistic adoration and Joshua - St. AMbrose, Doctor

    Carly F - Mother Theresa

    Brandi Leach - Jesus' grandparents, Sts. Joachim and Anne

    Tina Marie - St. Martha of bethany

    Margie - St. Mary Magdalene

    Kathy R. - St. Peter Chanel

    Alexander - St. Bernard Clarivaux, Joanna - St. veronica, Christopher - St. Monica, Timothy - St. Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist and Thomas - St. Peter the apostle

    Diane Toler - St. Gianna Beretta Molla

    Wendy - St. Leopold Mandic, praying for souls to make a holy confession

    Maureen - Cure of Ars, St. John Vianney

    Patty - St. Bonaventure, Doctor

    CarmeliteMom, Theresa - St, Martin de Porrres

    Gretchen - St. Charbel & Patrick - St. Athanasius, Frank - St, Joseph, John - St, Valentin, Leo - St. Rose of Lima, and Faith Ann - St. Mary Mother of God

    Sheila - St. Michael the archangel

    Lisa - St. Albert, Doctor

    Laura - St. Francis of Assisi

  41. Please choose a Saint for me - thank you so much.


  42. Since you offered...


    And Thank You ♥

    God Love You and Your BEAUTIFUL Family!!

    And, ummm, see what you get for offering ;)

  43. Please, if you would pick one from your basket for me. I need a saint to choose to guide me. A wise and holy teacher and guide...

    Thank you for your kindness! A Happy and blessed new year.

  44. That is, a guiding saint for our family.... :^)

  45. I love starting out the New Year with a new friend! Can you pick a saint for me as well? What a blessing!

  46. I already have a "saint of the year" for 2012, but would like to ask one for my brother G. He is suffering from a debilitating depression, is long-term unemployed, and is a lapsed Catholic. At one time he was reading everything he could (he is an intellectual) to try to convince himself to come back to the Church, but then he married a wonderful woman who unfortunately was raised in an atheistic home, and as a result he has fallen even further away.

    Needless to say, G. will not be praying for the intercession of this saint, but I would like to pray to the saint on his behalf.

    Thank you so much and God bless you.

  47. Blessed New Year to you! Please select a companion saint for me! Thank you!

  48. Atllison, I realize that it is the first day of the year and perhaps I am a little late, but I believe that our family needs a saint this year. Could you still pick one for us? Thank you so much!

  49. I would love to have a saint picked. Thanks!

  50. Is it too late for you to pick me a saint? I thought I posted last night but it didn't go through for some reason.



  51. I would love it if you would chose a saint for my family this year. May God guide and bless you. Thanks!
    Lisa Y. wife and mother (of 6).

  52. I really love it... this year Im going to begin this meanful tradition with my husband and daughter... he chose San Juan Diego, mi little daughter chose Santa Emma de Sajonia and I chose: Santa Faustina Kowalska...thanks for this!! This year they chose us!! as you said... have a blessed 2012 !!!

  53. Allison, would you please pick a saint for me? God bless you! xo Sue

  54. I love this! I will pray about it at Mass today, but I'd love you to pick one for us, too. We are a homeschooling family with three kiddos ages 2-9. Thank you for your wonderful writing.

  55. Hi Allison! I would love to start this tradition in my family. Thank you for this lovely inspiration. It will be so nice to ask these saints for help with these wonderful children God has entrusted us with.

    Alison- mommy
    Marc- dad
    Mary Therese
    Flannery (girl)
    Jane-Frances (the baby)

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Hi! I would love for you to choose a Companion Saint for our family! Only myself and my children still at home are Catholic, unfortunately so maybe with our Saint's help, the rest will follow us into the Church?! Thanks so much for doing this!

  58. Hi Allison,
    Thank you for doing this!! If you are able, please draw 1 saint for each family member below. God Bless! Kathy Fetter
    Kathy (mom)
    Mark (dad)
    Jacob (12)
    Gabriel (10)
    Colette (8)
    Joseph (4)
    Kateri (4)
    Emilie (9 months)

  59. Would you please choose a saint for the Steciw family? May God bless you in this ministry!

  60. Happy New Year, Allison!
    Thanks for taking time to do this -I've read this thread in past years, and finally feel ready to jump in : )

    Can't wait to see who chooses us:
    PinewoodD (son-10)
    Superball (son-7)
    Pink (daughter-4)

    Many thanks!

  61. I would love for you to pick a Saint for our family. We have started our homeschooling journey this past fall and have more big changes coming in 2012. Thank you and Bless you and your family.

    The Nelson Family

  62. Allison, I have been a follower for a long time. I do not blog, but have your blog sent to my email. I would love for you to pick a Saint for the Year 2012 for me. I wish you and your family a very blessed and Happy New Year!1 God Bless. If possible I would like to have a saint for my 3 sons, 3 daughter-in-laws, and my 2 grandsons.

  63. Dear Allison,
    Now that I've taken a little time to consider...
    For my family members to 'come home' to Mother Church:
    My mother Annie (82) now anti-Church
    My husband Ignatius- believing, non-practicing
    My daughter Anna (34) atheist
    My son Sean(37) agnostic
    My granddaughter Gwendolyn (5) raised in secular family
    My granddaughter Lillian (3) raised in secular family
    My DIL Jen (37) non practicing

  64. I would love if you could choose a saint for me. Thank you!


  65. I would also love to have our family chosen by a saint for 2012. Merry Christmas and many Blessings for the New Year! Janine

  66. Mery Christmas and Happy Feast Day of Mary, Mother of the Church!
    The DiNardo family could alluse a little extra help on this narrow path:
    John, Holly & Ramona
    Thank you, thank you for your prayers and sharing.
    Blessings, Holly

  67. Please pick a Saint for our family. Thank you for helping us on our journey to Heaven.

  68. Thank you Allison! I just read who my saint is! God bless your New Year~!

  69. We had St. Gregory last year and enjoyed learning about him. Could you pick a saint for our family and saint for each family member. The Steele Family,
    Chris, Jess, Finn, Declan, Bernadette, and Gabriel. thanks and God Bless

  70. Thank you sooooo much! God bless you! This really ministers to us!

    Josette (Raffy, Joey and Pax) Urgino

  71. I would love for you to pick a saint for my husband and me! Thank you so much!
    sasslips (at) hotmail (dot) com

  72. Alison,

    This is such a great service that you offer all of us! We would love a saint again! Last year, you sent one for each of us, but I think a family saint for us this year would be good. May God bless you and your family this year!

    Kelly, Ray, Natalie, Rachel, Mary, Elyse and Therese

  73. Dearest Allison,

    This is such a beautiful tradition! I would love a saint for little family. Thanks so much :)

  74. Dearest Allison, This is such a beautiful tradition. I would love a saint for my little family!

    Blessings :)

  75. Yes, please, if I'm not too late!

  76. Please choose saints for us again this year.
    Jeremy (10)
    Ashley (7)

  77. Allison, Please pick a saint for our family of 2 kids and 2 adults. 2012 will be a year of transition for us, so we need the prayers! Thanks for all you do!
    Janelle Willett

  78. I would love it if you chose a saint for us!

    Gianna- 6
    Ezekiel-8 mos

    Thanks, Allison!

  79. Hello and thank you for your wonderful blog. If you have time, I would love for you to pick a Saint for my family.

    Thank you so very much and God Bless you and your family,

  80. Could you please pick a saint for us?
    Thank you and God bless,

  81. Hi Allison!
    Please pick patron saints for my family!
    DD (18)
    DS (17)
    DD (12)
    Thank you!

  82. Allison,
    Thank you and knowing from last year how much this blessed our family, I pray that you receive blessings as well.

    If you would consider our family for a saint this year as well, that would be great!

    May your 2012 be blessed!

    Kelly, Ray, Natalie, Rachel, Mary, Elyse, and Therese

  83. I would love to have a saint for 2012.
    Thank you!

  84. I would love to have a saint for 2012.
    Thank you!

  85. Thank you so much Allison! God Bles you and this ministry! We would love a saint for this year (you chose one for us last year as well).

    Merry Christmas! Lindsey Steciw

  86. Thank you, Allison!
    I now have a request from the twins, Matthew and Michael, who will be confirmed in March. Could you please pray for a saint for each of them?

    Thank you again and blessings,

  87. Please choose a saint for our family too. Thank you and God bless!


  88. I would love for you to select a saint for us. I am a Catholic convert learning along with my children about the faith. Thank you.

  89. I would love a saint for myself and one for my daughter. Thanks and God bless you!

  90. Dear Alison, I would love a Saint to help our family on our journey this year!
    With love,
    Becky Booth

  91. I would be delighted to have you pick a saint for our family. Thank you! Martianne traininghappyhearts (at) gamil (dot) come

  92. Hi, I am 13 and getting ready for my Confirmation. My name is Mia. I am thinking of St. Monica but I,m still very unsure. Could you pray for me and help me? I,d like to consider a suggestion from you. Thanks p

  93. Allison,
    Many Blessings this New Year, thank you for guiding us to who has chosen us for 2012.
    Petunia (girl age 8)
    Bubbilicious (boy age 7)
    Thank you and a blessed New Year!

  94. Allison,

    Please pick for each our family - my wife and I, 4 daughters (21, 19, 16, 13), 2 sons (7, 6), and female foreign exchange student (16).

    Thanks Allison, God bless!

  95. Thank you Allison!

    Family Home-school

  96. Allison, thank you so much. In the past years we have grown to know and love our Saints.

    Please pick saints for us:


    Thank you!

    God bless


  97. Thank you Allison! Homeschooling family with Seton
    would love Saints again this year!
    Winkel's - Rob, Paula, ds Ryan, ds Tyler , ds Jacob, and
    dd Shayla

  98. Thank you for the saint's drawing! Helps our homeschool year!
    The Winkel's Dad, mom, ds 20 , ds 18, ds 14, dd 10

  99. Thank you Allison! Winkel Homeschool family would like some saints chosen !
    Hubbie , Mom, Ryan, Tyler, Jacob, Shayla

  100. Thank you SO much for taking the time to do this. You are very much appreciated.
    ~The Nelson Family

  101. Thank you so much, Allison. Saint Margaret Mary and the Friday devotion is a saint I have studied briefly, but I look forward to learning more about her and having her as our intercessor for 2012.

  102. Allison,

    Would you please choose one for me and one for my family?

    God Bless you!

    Ashley Drew

  103. Would you please choose a saint for me? Thank you!

  104. Thank you so much for picking a saint for us. In the back of my head I was hoping you would be guided to pick our lady for us and lo and behold you did!!! Blessings from God to you and your family this year.

  105. I think my request came in twice! Sorry having difficulties
    With sign in!
    Blessings to your family! Thank you for shating your Catholic Homeschooling support!

  106. I look forward to this every year! Please send us some Saints! One for myself, my husband, Joe, and our son, Augustine.
    Many blessings!

  107. Thanks so much for choosing saints for us, and for all you do. God Bless you!

  108. Yes please! We are L, E, O, M, F, X and B!

  109. DH - Bl. Mother Teresa
    stephanie - Sts. Joachim + Anne
    DS1 - St. Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity
    DS2 - bl. Louis + Zelie Martin
    DS3 - St. Patrick
    DS4 - St. Catherine Laboure
    DD - St. Ambrose

    Winkel's - Rob, - St. Eliabeth of the Trinity
    Paula, - St. Juan Diego
    ds Ryan, - St. Luke
    ds Tyler - St. Mother Cabrini
    ds Jacob, - St. Peter Julian Eymard
    dd Shayla - St. Andrew

    Ashley Drew - St. Seraphim of Sarov

    Pam - Child Jesus, King of Love

    Ladybug - Bl. Francisco of Fatima

    Anna - St. John Chrysostom
    Joe, - Bl. Charles de Foucault
    son, Augustine - Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    L, - St. JoseMaria Escriva
    E, - St. Peter Chanel
    O, - St. Cecilia
    M, - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
    F, - St. Benedict Labre
    X - St. Philip Neri
    B - St. Clare of Assisi

  110. Thank you, Allison! You are a blessing!

  111. What a wonderful, inspiring idea! Every first of the new year, we renew our consecration of our family to the Blessed Mother, a month-long dedication. I love the idea of having a year-long dedication to a dear friend and building a relationship and friendship...what a powerful friend in heaven to intercede for the needs of our family! Please choose one for us. Our family consists of my husband and myself, and our 5 children. We already have a dedication to Sts. Cecilia, Monica, Francis and Michael the Archangel. Thank you! God Bless!

  112. My family ordinarily has great-grandma choose saints - unfortunately, she passed away this past year and no one picked up the tradition. I'm feeling the family out now to see if they'd like me to continue the tradition, but so far no responses. I prefer to have another choose a saint for me. Would you be that person for me this year?

    Thank you,

  113. If you possibly have time could you have a Saint pick our family? We are a homeschooling family of now 5 since we added our precious little Kathleen Hope in February of 2011. Thank you. I have just found your site and am loving it! You are such an inspiration. I was beginning to feel like the only Catholic Homeschooler out there.
    Blessed Be your family,

  114. Thank you so much. By heavenly coincidence, my new patron's feast is on my birthday!

  115. I am eager to hear who might be watching over our family for 2012. Thank you for hosting this!

  116. Dear Allison

    Please would you pick a Saint for me.

    God bless


  117. Would you please choose saints for our family again this year? Thanks!
    God bless you!

  118. Oh, this can't be good...there isn't a saint for my family?!? :)
    I asked on January 1, and my post is there, but I don't see my saint yet.
    When you get time, I know my family is difficult, please let us know the saint.

  119. Hi Allison, I would love a saint for the year and for my husband Steve and Children.

    Our children are:

    Daniel, Sam, Madeline, Brigette, Tom, Amelia, Christopher and Joseph.


  120. Thank you for being willing to do this! Could you please choose a saint for my family fr 2012? Last year, we chose St. John Bosco and we really have a devotion to him now. Looking forward to having our saint choose us this year!

  121. Allison,

    Thanks to Theresa, I found your site and would love to have a saint for our family this year.

    God bless you for your willingness to do this.

    Blessings and +

  122. Allison, Is it too late to get a Saint?
    Tamara Moravec +JMJ+

  123. Hi Allison, thanks for the comments about my blog. re your question: go to your dashboard, click on design, then click on template design, then you can make many changes. on the left there is a list going down of all different parts of your layout that you can experiment with. one of those will let you experiment with how many columns you want (2, 3, 4) and how wide you want the columns. if you like it then you save the changes (or apply the changes. if you don't like it, you just go back to your current layout). of course, after you get your column to the width you like, when you're drafting your post and insertig photos, you can enlarge the photos to extra large, and they fit so nicely in the column!! if you have more Q's feel free to ask (I'm not a guru at it, but manage to muddle through it!)

  124. If I'm not too late, I would love it if you could pick a Saint for our family too. Many Blessings to you and your family!!!

    God Bless,

  125. Look at all of these 127 blessings you have received. Love it! I would be honored if you could please pick a patron saint for my blog this year:) Thank you, thank you!

  126. Hello! I remember reading that you did this last year and was hoping I would be able to join in someday. I hope I'm not too late! I'm in the process of conversion and am starting RCIA within the next few weeks. I would so appreciate if you could pick a Saint for me! Thank you!

  127. Hello! I read that you did this last year and was hoping I would be able to join in this year! I just hope I'm not too late. I'm actually in the process of conversion and am entering RCIA soon. My husband has also been miraculously receptive to the Church. It's a very exciting time! I would love if you could choose a saint for me! Thank you!

  128. Hi Allison~I left a comment earlier but it doesn't look to have gone through. I was wondering if I'm too late to ask you kindly to pick a patron saint for my blog this year? Thank you so much and God Bless your Epiphany!

  129. Could you please pick saints for the year for our family. I will list each of them below. Thank you

    Mary Corrigan


  130. My Mom and my brother who live with us thought it was a great idea when we were talking about our 2012 companion Saints at dinner. They would like saints too please?

  131. We are a homeschooling family living in the south and travel as a family a lot for husband is a convert. Thank you!

  132. Is it too late? Our family would truly be blessed to receive a saint for the year! THank you Allison,

  133. Oh my, so many comments! I would absolutely love to request a saint. We are in the process of converting to the faith, and this would be truly be a new and wonderful experience for our family!

    and can we count Baby #3 due in July??? =o)

  134. I just learned about your saint of the year tradition from a friend. I would love it if you would choose a saint for our family. Much thanks and blessings to you and your family.

  135. THAIS - Sorry for missing you! St. Jeanne of Chantal

    Mea culpa to you too, Annie - St. Philip Neri

    Angela G - Newborn baby Jesus

    iMom Lynn - Mary, Mother of God

    Kristi - St. Dominic Savio

    Misty - St. John Eudes

    Jasmin - The Holy Family

    Debbie - St. Maria Goretti
    Ben - St. Timothy
    Paul - St. Benedict
    Maggie - St. Elijah
    Elizabeth - St. Cyril, Doctor of the Church

    HSMomOfG - forgive me! St. Valentine

    Steve - St. Genevieve
    Therese - St. Bonaventure
    Daniel - St. Benedict Joseph Labre
    Sam - Bl. Joseph-Marie Cassant
    Madeline - St. Augustine
    Bridgette - St. Matthew
    Tom - St. Therese of Lisieux
    Amelia - St. Vincent de Paul
    Christopher - Bl. Jacinta of Fatima
    Joseph - Sts. Joachim and Anne

    Caroline - St. Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist

    Caroline - St. Gianna Beretta Molla

    Ann Minarck - St. Martha

    Tiffany - St. Charbel

    Ashley - St. Monica

    Karla's Janet - St. Helen
    Karla's Russell - St. Thomas the Apostle

    Anonymous - The Holy Innocents

    Adam - St. Peter Chanel
    Kelli - St. Frances Xavier
    Abby - St. Peter Chanel (this was even from a different slip, not the same as Adam's!)
    Will - St. Peter the APostle
    Baby #3 - St. Isidore, Doctor of the Church

    Dorothy - St. Dismas, the good thief.

    Thank you all for your patience!

  136. Thank you so much! I am excited to learn all about my Saint.

  137. I would love for you to pick a Patron Saint for me for the New Year 2012. Thanks, Stephanie

  138. Please pick a patron saint for our family again this year.
    Thanks! Megan

  139. Allison, thank you for helping us find a Saint-companion for 2012!
    I would be so happy if you could choose one for me and my family.
    May God bless you..Trish

  140. Dear Allison, Thanl you so much for choosing my saint. I feel the choice of St. Elizabeth is so perfect for me this year, as I am also an older mother struggling at times to be content and faithful in my vocation when most my age are free from the demands of young children. God truly guided your choice of this saintly older mother whose great contribution to the Kingdom was faithfully raising a holy son as He willed. I know her prayers will assist me! God bless you in 2012!

  141. For Stephanie of Raise Them Up...Bl. Charles de Foucault.

    For JUST ME...St. Elijah and The Holy Family (For some reason these two slips came out together.)

    For Megan - St. Isidore, Doctor of the Church

    For Trish of Walking With Him - Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    God bless your 2012!

  142. Could you pick a companion saint for each of us?

    We appreciate you doing this for us. God bless you.

  143. Hi! I am new to your site. I would love if you would pick a companion saint for our family. Thank You!


  144. Hi! Would you please pick a companion saint for my family? Thanks!


  145. Thank you so much for choosing Mother Teresa for me, Allison!
    Or should I say..for helping her choose me!
    I was telling my Anglican Benedictine friend about your offer and she asked if you would find a Saint for her too, please.
    Her name is Jill.
    God bless you and your family..Trish

  146. May I have a saint if it's not too late.

  147. Mary in Cinncinati - Holy Family
    Mark - Dominic Savio
    JohnPaul - St. Isidore
    Timothy - Elizabeth Ann Seton
    Maximilian - St. Lawrence
    Kateri - Newborn Baby Jesus

    Katie - St. Alphonsus Ligouri

    Jill (Via Trish) - St. Camille de Lellis

    Kathy Wolfe - St. Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist

    God bless your 2012!

  148. Hi i seemed to have been over looked? waiting the name of a saint. (cath)

  149. Hi JUST ME, your saints were posted January 13 at 8:17 EST, see above.

    They are - For JUST ME...St. Elijah and The Holy Family (For some reason these two slips came out together.)

  150. St. Elijah and The Holy Family (For some reason these two slips came out together.)

    Saint Eligah.... a connection because i'm in formation for the 3rd order carmelites.... Holy Family? maybe because my daughter recently went out to L.A. for school. (so far away) and our "family" could use lots of prayer.... to become the "family" it should have been? i'll have to look into this more? there is something there i'm sure! thank you! <3

  151. Hello...
    Could you please choose a companion saint for us, the Brunner family? Thank you so much. God Bless.

  152. Hi! Would you please choose a Saint companion for each of us? We are:
    Joey, Nicole, Nathaniel, Ava, Eden & Jacob. And maybe a patron for our entire family?
    We would love to be inspired by a new Saint that chooses us & we can get to know!
    Thank You!

  153. Hi Allison...
    Thank you very much for offering to do this. If you would not mind, would you kindly choose saints for my family?

    Tina (me)
    My husband
    DS (8)
    DS (6)
    DS (4)

    Thank you again & God Bless! Tina

  154. Hello Allison,

    I would be so grateful if you could help a saint to choose my family.

    Thank you for what you do!


  155. Will you please choose a saint for our family for 2012? I would greatly appreciate the help.

  156. Sorry for the delay.

    For the Brunner family - Blessed Leonie Martin, sister of St. Therese, the Little Flower

    Joey, Holy Guardian ANgels
    Nicole, St. Michael the Archangel
    Nathaniel, St. Bernard of Clarivaux, Doctor of the Church
    Ava, St. John Eudes
    Eden St. Cyril of Jerusalem, DOctor of the CHurch
    Jacob - St. Therese the Little Flower, DOctor of the Church!
    entire family - St. Peter the Apostle

    Tina (me) - St. Charbel
    My husband - St. John Chrysostom
    DS (8)- St. Lawrence
    DS (6)- St. AUgustine, Doctor of the Church
    DS (4) - St. Maria Goretti

    Stacy SLU - Edith Stein, St. Teresa Bendicta

    Jessica - St. Benedict Joseph Labre

    God bless you 2012!

  157. I would love to start this tradition in our family even if we are a little late this year. We are a homeschooling family with 6 wonderful blessings entrusted to us.

    Thank you for doing this

    The Bernier family

  158. Hello Allison,

    I'm late in my thank you, but wanted to still extend a thanks for picking our family Saint for 2012. St. Dominic Savio. AND as a bonus, Catholic Heritage Curricula has a free printable booklet about him. Also our curricula choice as new homeschoolers. Thank you and may God bless you and your family!

    Amy K.

  159. Dear Bernier family,

    Thank you for your patience!

    St. Helen, empress who found the true cross - AUg.18

  160. Hi Allison

    Is it time yet? Are we there yet?

    I am so grateful for previous Saints, and I'm looking forward to meeting my new Saint for 2013!!

    Thanks for blessing us all.


  161. This will be my first time of doing this, so if you can, please pick a Saint for me. I will be praying earnestly to pick Saints for my children as we focus on Humility for this year. That is our key word in our household. We seem to be struggling with pride in our home. A meek and humble spirit is our goal.


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