Having a Bad Homeschool Day? Pause for Perspective, Consider the Trade-Offs

All moms 2nd guess themselves, have doubts and bad days. For every bad day...for every worry...there's an equal or perhaps greater trade-off in the alternative which will ALSO have you worrying and having bad days.

I bet we could list many more "et cetera" examples like the ones in this meme. Consider the trade offs and pray for the strength, perspective and the graces to stay the course. God bless!


  1. This is so very true! My kids went to public school for several years before we started homeschooling and I find sending them to a school to be far more stressful than anything homeschooling dishes out. I like knowing what they're learning, not having frantic evenings packed with surprise projects and not having our lives dictated by the school calendar.

  2. So true, as homeschoolers we can lose perspective and get caught up in our little homeschool worlds. Every time I have a bad day my husband is keen to remind me how different (and worse!) things could be and what an incredible blessing this is for our family.

  3. So true! I know homeschooling is the best option for our family and I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China!

  4. Thank you, Allison, for your ongoing encouragement. This was so timely. God bless you. + Theresa


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