Let Us Serve God - The Witness of The Altar Boy

Witnessed a beautiful High Mass on Sunday.

I am always touched when I hear people talking after Mass about how the altar-serving team affects their experience of the Holy Sacrifice.

It is a symbol of the reverence we crave.

It makes visible a way of service and honor that we desire to offer to Our Lord.

In noting the precision of the men on the altar, we recognize in the unique and humble postures a catechism on the Presence of God on the altar.

We are aware from the work being done on the altar that we contribute by joining in prayer.

As they incense us, there is awe in the prayer of the faithful that rises on the smoke.

When Moses descended the mountain, he was transformed.  As they recess by, lifting high the Cross, I pray for our transformation, likewise, as we send forth this week.

God bless the servants.   Scripture tells us God will bless the servants who follow Him.


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