O Laughter, Crack Us Up

O laughter
giver of relaxed mouths

you who rule our belly with tickles
you who come when not called

you who can embarrass us at times
send us stitches in our sides

Shake us till the water reaches our eyes

Buckle our knees till we cannot stand

We whose faces are grim and shattered

we whose hearts are no longer hearty

O laughter we beg of you

Crack us up

Crack us up

At out annual family reunion vacation over Memorial Day weekend  #NNK14


  1. How fun. What happened to your son's leg?

  2. This is wonderful. A beautiful ode to the gift of laughter! And what you have done with the photos is just.... amazing!

  3. Thanks Nancy and Jenny!

    Jenny, he was sliding into 2nd base and "stuck a cleat and torqued"....anyway, it resulted in a broken tibia and fibula! He's casted from heal to hip. Hopefully, in about 3 weeks he will reduce to a half cast below his knee. We're praying for full healing by our shore vacation. In any case, he's missing a lot of summer swimming and fun, but offering it up.


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