S I L E N C E and Personhood

Have you ever been somewhere and the silence made you more keenly aware?

Aware of the presence of God?

Aware of your smallness?

Aware of your personhood?

There are a few times when I have felt this way.  When the silence is deafening and senses become more intense....  One time it was para-sailing and I was startled by the silence way up there in the sky and over the ocean.  Also, I was awed by God's beauty. 

Another occasion is the one pictured above. Me... alone in a kayak....every lapping water sound so clear. Every loon, every cricket, every frog, the very feel of the air on my skin and my own breathing became so noticeable.

PERSONHOOD. Flowing...no forcing or holding back.

In some ways, these moments are like the silence of Eucharistic Adoration, before my Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  In the silence, I am prone to prayer.

Prone to exposure... of my thoughts and feelings, my weaknesses and needs.

Prone to realizations ...of all I have for which to be grateful.

Prone to my smallness before my Creator.

PERSONHOOD. Flowing...no forcing or holding back.

It is in these blessed moments that what really matters becomes clear...BORN OF SILENCE.


  1. This is a beautiful reflection Allison. Silence is rare, as you know, homeschooling a house full of children. Sometimes I completely pass it by in a rush to get to something or someone. I need to stop that and savor it.

  2. May I add an Amen to this beautiful truth? Silence is worth every second of seeking! Thanks for sharing your reflection with peace. God bless your summer, Allison!


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