Solopaca's 76th Annual Madonna Del Roseto Mass & Luncheon

The first Sunday in June is a time for my family to remember their Italian heritage. My husband's mother's family came from Solopaca, Italy, where they have had a Madonna Del Roseto procession and celebration for decades.

In the town of Solopaca, Italy, in 1844 there was a Madonna miracle. Her intercession brought about the rain after a devastating drought.

It is such a perfect confluence of graces to celebrate the fact that our great love for Our Lady, as a family, has a generational history...steeped in tradition.
Photos found on Google images and via Facebook - credit Tanzillo
Click HERE and HERE for my previous posts with pictures and video from Italy.

Our Statue - Immigrants from Italy to America still honor this tradition and have a replica statue and their own Madonna Del Roseto celebration here every year, not far from where we live. Families come from many states to reconnect with their "Solopachesi."

Today, with social media, I am able to connect with the Solopachesi in Italy via a Facebook page.  I see their photos and they see mine. And Google translate facilitates!

We share our heritage and joy...across the miles.

Thanking Our Blessed Mother for her intercession in prayer.

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