The Cross of Christ is My Light

In these days there have been crosses and Christ's Light.

A beautiful Mother's Day with my dear Mother-in-law and the cross of not being with my mother.

For their 50th wedding anniversary my parents went on a wonderful tour of Italy. On their flight home....mystery and drama!  An emergency landing, suspicious illnesses....NEWS STORY resulted in their not being home for Mother's Day. Grateful for the "light" that they are now home safe and sound.

Two of my god-daughters had their First Holy Communions.... such a light of Christ and joyous family gatherings.

Then, on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, my youngest son was sliding into 2nd base. 

He broke his leg in a spiral fracture of both the tibia and fibula! Although it is a cross to carry an enormous cast, his spirits have been positive and I couldn't be more proud of his can-do attitude. 

There is the light of compassion from his brothers. His sister-nurse  is never far from his side! The extended family truly comes together in times like packages and visits. Facebook friends are dear prayer warriors.

Christ always shows that the Cross is a LIGHT...and our beautiful faith ILLUMINATES in these moments.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 
[Isaiah 41:10] 


  1. This is a wonderful post. I love how you've connected all together in the Cross, and in the Light coming through the Cross. Your photos are, as always, amazing. What you have done with the rays coming through the cross is breathtaking. I'm so glad your parents are safe and sound. And I pray for your son's swift healing!

  2. This is beautiful Allison l! Our crosses truly make us see the blessings that God does send us! I am writing a book about our house fire and all the blessings that came from that, "Breadcrumbs from God" I've been meaning to find your blog again and so glad I did today. Hope your son is healing well?! God bless!
    Rita Xo:)

  3. I am so sorry your son was injured - I am sure it is tough to wear that big cast! I pray it heals quickly!


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