Throwback Thursday - The Greatest Discovery & Motherhood

My firstborn meets his brand new brother
I'm flashing Mother's Day the birth of my children.  (Make sure to watch the video, below)

It started last night, when my husband was playing the piano. He's an Elton John fan from way back and many of those songs comprise the Soundtrack of our Life.

The song he played and it's moving words  - "The Greatest Discovery" written by Bernie Taupin, sung and performed by Elton John (see video below)

Peering out of tiny eyes
The grubby hands that gripped the rail
Wiped the window clean of frost
As the morning air laid on the latch
 A whistle awakened someone there
Next door to the nursery just down the hall

A strange new sound you never heard before
A strange new sound that makes boys explore
My firstborn meeting his 2ND brand new brother
Tread neat so small those little feet
Amid the morning his small heart beats
So much excitement yesterday
That must be rewarded must be displayed

 Large hands lift him through the air
Excited eyes contain him there
The eyes of those he loves and knows
But what's this extra bed just here
 His puzzled head tipped to one side
Amazement swims in those bright green eyes
Glancing down upon this thing
That make strange sounds, strange sounds that sing
2nd son meets his brand new brother
 In those silent happy seconds
That surround the sound of this event
A parent smile is made in moments
They have made for you a friend

 And all you ever learned from them
Until you grew much older
Did not compare with when they said
This is your brand new brother

This is your brand new brother
This is your brand new brother

And the song played on ... this is your brand new SISTER!

3rd son meets baby SISTER

Makes me cry ... still ... full disclosure, I'm a blubbering mess!

These are the greatest moments and gifts of my life.

God bless all the mothers!

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