Film Friday - Faith Friday - Commentary on the Catholic Mass

If you can't watch the video now, save it to watch sometime during LENT.

It WILL enrich your faith life. It will renew how you participate at the Holy Sacrifice.

There is SO MUCH happening at the Catholic Mass. EVERY part is meaningful. The richness, the symbolism ...THIS is something TRULY WORTH watching.

Lent begins next week. God bless your family during this important time of preparation. Together may we ADD spiritual practices to deepen our faith...leading others to Christ.


  1. Isn't that Fr. P??? I don't have time to watch the video but am looking forward to it :)

  2. I'm curious about something. Perhaps you can help. I have been looking locally to attend Mass in the Extraordinary Form once a month (it's far from where we live). My concern, however, is for my two kids who have special needs. I'm not so worried about my one child, but the 4 year old. I don't know if I could keep her completely quiet the whole time. As a Secular Carmelite, I know personally the value of silence. What suggestion would you, or someone you know, have for attending this Mass when you have a child with sensory issues?

  3. Thank you so much for this video. I am very new to the Latin Mass and this video is very helpful

    God bless you


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