Young Priests, Seminarians and The Traditional Latin Mass

This Sunday we had a visiting priest. He is a young priest that has a love for the Latin Mass and has recently learned to say it. He was joined by 2 seminarians as he prayed the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. They, too, will learn.  Deo gratias!

It is so good and such a hopeful sign to see these young men attracted to learning and saying this Mass of Ages.

One of them was from the Diocese of Wisconsin, where his Bishop has instructed that all seminarians there learn to say the Traditional Latin Mass. Bravo!

Cardinal Rigali, former Cardinal of Philadelphia said,
 " The "motu proprio" is issued by the Holy Father for all Catholics. 
With regard to priests, any statement from the Holy Father on the liturgy or any change in the liturgical forms or formula afford the priests an opportunity for thought and reflection on the mysteries they celebrate in the liturgy. 
Many priests find in these opportunities a renewed sense of awe and appreciation for the liturgy and an opportunity for re-commitment to celebrate these liturgies in a more reflective, reverent and respectful manner
In this sense, "Summorum Pontificum" is a gift to all priests, because it encourages them, through the sacred liturgy, to draw all people into a deeper communion of holiness with the Lord"

Please join me in praying for our priests and seminarians... and for the future of our Church and the liturgy.

1 comment:

  1. Praise be Jesus and Mary! The traditional mass is incredible. I believe if most young priests and parishioners for that matter had access to it, they would love it to. It's our patrimony.


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