I Look, Through a Lens, With Love at St. Peter's in Steubenville, Ohio

St. Peter's in Steubenville, Ohio is an impressive parish. Besides being traditionally magnificent in appearance, elevating one's heart and mind to heaven, it is liturgically special as well.  Both the Ordinary Form and Extraordinary Form Mass are prayed there with loving reverence. This parish took to heart Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum effort and embraced the request, implementing both forms in one community. And the Beauty of both Masses is achieved at St. Peter's...fitting!

Pastor Timothy Huffman allowed me to photograph both Masses over 2 weekends.  He and Fr. Jonas Shell are a blessing to their parishioners , what dedicated priests. God bless them!

At another Mass, on the campus of Franciscan University of Steubenville, a TOR priest gave a weekday homily about spreading the faith. His words confirmed to me something I had felt but not meditated on before, as it felt like a lightbulb moment for me.

From it I understood that there are many ways that one shows their love....many ways to express love.  Some express love in words, written and spoken.  Sometimes I do that.  In my love for my Lord and the Catholic faith, more often I feel my words don't completely illuminate my endearment and wonder. Nor do my words represent the full beauty I see and feel for the faith.  Our Lord and the Catholic faith are the greatest beauty in life...the greatest Good, the greatest Beauty, the greatest Truth.

What could be more worthy of  my love?!

What gets me a little bit closer in my expression...what is my passion...is trying to capture the Good, the True and the Beautiful of our faith in images. This passion and commitment I believe comes from God. I am certainly not the most talented photographer, but what talent I have, I have from Him.

It is my love, EXPRESSED. It how I love and how I capture love.

Does a picture say more than a 1,000 words?  For me, the words and pictures belong together to complete the task.  My leanings are that words NEED pictures.

And so I ask permission and I look....through a lens...with love.

Click here to view these pictures larger

 And I commit to Catholic Social Media  to share this love, to relate the Cause of my joy. I think it was a path for me even before the Vatican Bloggers Meeting.

I hope you will look...with love...on them all, thanking God for the Good, the True and the Beautiful of our faith and praying for our parishes.

More images can be seen HERE.


  1. Is your son enjoying the college? Do you think MODG has prepared him well to blend in? Is he going to apply for the program in Austria?

    I am asking all these questions because we are slowly starting to look at colleges for my son, who is 16. We have friends who are sending their children to Steubenville and they love it. I was curious about your impression so far.

  2. Dear Eva,

    Thank you for reading and writing.

    My expectations of Franciscan University in Steubenville have been exceeded. My husband, our son and I are all very happy he is there. It is a special place and the love of the Catholic faith is so prevalent.

    To answer your questions:

    1)My son is thriving at FUS...enjoying it would be an understatement.

    2) His grades have been very good and I believe he feels well prepared and knows how to assist himself when he is unsure, visiting teachers during office hours and working with friends.

    3) Every student we've ever met has said that Austria was the best decision and experience during college....so, yes! He is very excited to go abroad and planning on it.

    College responsibilities are huge and I know my son has a lot of growing into manhood to do but I can't think of a place I'd rather have him. He is surrounded by inspiring people at FUS. Have you visited? That experience was helpful to us. Freshman orientation was SO WELL DONE that there were times when my husband and I filled up with tears.

    College is formative in ways that aren't always what society makes it out to be. FUS is a foundation we are proud to have our son strengthened in.

    I wish you all the best Eva in your discernment! As a side note, we liked that there were so many more majors available there and the list is still growing.

  3. Oh, Allison, thanks so much for your detailed answer. This has been very helpful. It is not easy to find the right college (and that comes from two college professors) for your own child. Are all your other children thinking about going there or is that too early to know.

    Thanks again.


  4. Dear Eva,

    You're most welcome and I pray that all continues well for our son at FUS.

    Our 2nd son visited recently and is also applying. I hope his siblings do follow because I do feel that the Catholic atmosphere there is very special and we want that for our children.

    There are a lot of wonderful Catholic colleges and I am bookmarking info about them at http://www.pinterest.com/allison_girone/catholic-college/ Please check it out, Eva and God bless!

  5. Thank so much again and I hope your son will continue to like it there. Thanks also for the Pinterest link. I will take a look.

    Have a blessed Lent!



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