Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story - What It Teaches

I am always looking for films that will depict to my children the lives of virtuous and admirable individuals.  This one came recommended and I was happy to see it on Netflix.  Coincidentally, it arrived at my home around the time when Dr. Ben Carson is in the news for his probable run for the Presidency.  However, the film is about his career as a world premiere brain surgeon and his journey to that success.

There will be more to learn about Dr. Ben Carson, but this film did what I had hoped. It kept my childrens' attention and showed them:

 * the value of hard-work 
 * overcoming adversity, obstacles
 * appreciation of education, reading, classical music
 * working through our own doubts of our abilities 
 * problem solving 
 * daily prayer and relying on God in our darkest hours 
 * conquering anger 
 * the trap of trying to fit in with bad companions 
 * discerning and using your God-given talents
 * there's a special way YOU learn
 * it's possible to reinvent yourself - change perceptions
 * showing kindness...positivity... to those that are unkind/negative
 * patience
 * ALL Life is worthwhile and should be valued/saved

They came away realizing how challenges will be a part of their life and how they might use Dr. Ben Carson as an example for how to surmount those challenges. I hope the images from the movie and our conversation will be relived in their imaginations and strengthen their faith and resolve.

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