A Catholic Catechism I Trust

A Manual of Religion My Catholic Faith: A Catechism in Pictures is a beautiful, hardcover book I believe every Catholic family should have in their library. In fact, I am thinking I will make it my go-to-gift for Sacraments. No fluff or confusing theology here, this is detailed yet concise!

At the Amazon link above you can see inside the book for the table of content/chapters, the lovely illustrations, the format of presented material and an extensive indices. Check it out.  Consider purchasing it for Christmas. I am truly sharing a good thing...always my intent when I take the time to blog....

While I believe every family would benefit from having it in hand, you can access it online, for FREE. I have the resource linked on my 8th grade Pinterest board

Recently we used it as a guide in understanding the Catholic Church's teaching on Infallibility.  So clear and detailed...a comprehensive apologetics! It was a joy to read aloud with my son and I too felt better prepared to defend my faith going forward. 
Actually, every time I open the book I am enlightened! 

I hear people complaining about religious ed materials and I agree that many are lacking. This has become the resource I trust. Explanations are logically laid out, where sadly other catechisms and religious ed materials can be confusing and ambiguous. So I share....God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allison,
    This is one of the books my dad read aloud to me and my 7 siblings growing up...the pictures alone are worth the book!! Pictures say a thousand words ...thankyou for posting. I own this book and my children find it fascinating.


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