Type 1 Diabetes Video - A Peek Into What It Is Like For My Son & Family

9:58 AM



This so COMPLETELY describes the many effects of T1 diabetes on a child and family. Very emotional for me to watch...still...3 + years later. It will always be a heavy burden for my son...

Hope you'll watch. 

Hope you'll pray.


  1. Allison: I couldn't view the video but I wanted to let you know you are not alone. My Son #2 is a juvenile diabetic since the age of 10 - he is 30 years old now and is doing remarkedly good. It does cut out any spontaneous moments as everything has to be planned. Maybe the next time I see you on the campus at FUS we can compare notes. God Bless. Shelly

  2. Thanks for sharing this Allison.

  3. Allison, thank you for sharing this video! It was very moving and such a beautiful explanation of what parents and children of Type 1 diabetics experience.

    I have no experience with Type 1 diabetes…but I was a gestational diabetic 3x. With each pregnancy, GD reared its ugly head and was more and more difficult to control earlier and earlier at its onset. My last 2 pregnancies required glyburide, but I did manage to avoid insulin.

    Sadly, my 3rd baby had incredibly low blood sugar at delivery and required a short NICU stay to get his own blood sugar stabilized. If I don't "check" myself…I sometimes begin over-analyzing how often he goes pee or if he's drinking too much (he's 3) b/c I'm worried that he might develop Type 1. (GD babies can become Type 2 as young adults…but I'm so worried about the Type 1 diagnosis since we still don't know what causes the pancreas to stop working and he was the only one of the 3 that struggled at delivery b/c of my GD).

    Sorry, I'm rambling here…this issue is just really dear to my heart. I will be adding your son to my daily prayer intention list.

  4. Very powerful and informative video. You know, when as a parent you carry this burden in your heart, the last thing you want to hear is "at least they have medicine to help" or some other flippant comment. Know that my heart aches for yours as well as your son's. Thanks for sharing this educational movie!

  5. Thank you for sharing this video. I did not know it was that hard...especially for those teens. They go through so much already. Such a sweet kid you have there. He is blessed to be in your family.

  6. Praying for your son and family!

  7. Praying for your son and family!

  8. Such a difficult illness for a child to live with.

    You might look into a service dog to help your son deal with and manage this life threatening illness.

    You can google for information and here is one website:

    Good luck and God bless.

  9. Thank you for posting this video. My daughter was diagnosed on the feast of St. Helen 2010 with Type 1 diabetes as a 6 year old. Her name is Helena, so her Name Day is celebrated with joy, but also there is a sober moment or too......

  10. Dear friends, thank you all for your comments. My son is doing well, but it is always a worry. I also know that God's plans are perfect for him.

    Your support and kind words mean a lot to me. Shelly, I look forward to seeing you again someday at Steuby and Valerie thank you for sharing. I know that over-analyzing feeling, too.

    Lastly, thank you for your prayers - mine are returned for your dear families.


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