A Tribute to My Mother

On the occasion of her 73rd birthday - A tribute to my mother, a woman like no other.

She is amazing on so many levels.  What you might notice, first, is how lovely she looks. Yes....she's turning 73 and has the skin of a woman much, much younger!

Then, going beyond her outward beauty, you can't help but notice an internal force of goodness as well.

My mother lived through the I-Am-Woman-Hear-Me-Roar era and accomplished many things, earned many notable titles, but was always present as a mother and dedicated to instilling family closeness.


That word is used often to describe her. She is a force of nature, unstoppable, able to do anything. Tireless.  Selfless. Compassionate. Driven. Loyal. Generous to a fault. Stylish & Elegant.

Acknowledging all the above, some might be discouraged at being in the shadow of such a woman...and there's more:
  • She's a great cook
  • She makes every event like something out of a magazine
  • She has style, panache and good taste
  • She can fix anything and will get grease-monkey dirty trying
  • She can SELL anything to anyone
  • She takes in needy souls and nourishes them
  • She nourishes flowers, too and her rooms are adorned with fresh arrangements
  • She thinks the best about everyone
  • She's at ease in high society and can swear with construction workers (tsk, tsk)
  • She prays, a lot
  • She cultivates family relationships and friendships
  • She carries crosses
  • She befriends everyone
  • She is constantly learning and bettering herself
  • She can do anything she sets her mind to
  • She sleeps little and works, works, works
  • She can make money, spend money, give away money like no one's business
  • She says, "If one is good, two is better" and is a little fearless
  • She's your fiercest cheerleader
  • She's there for you the minute you need her
Will I ever measure up to that, as an apple falling from that tree?


God made her special. But being in that shadow is the easiest place to be. As "far" as this apple is from that giving tree I pray to be in her shade, close enough to stare up admiringly, for as long as God permits.


  1. This is truly beautiful. What a tribute. SHE is beautiful, and she's blessed to have a daughter like you.

  2. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful woman...
    So many accomplishments, but perhaps the thing she could be most commended for is mothering and raising a lovely, compassionate, faith filled, amazing daughter. : )

    Happy Birthday to your mother, my friend!

  3. I saw the picture with this post and thought the 73 year old must have been the photographer, because I sure didn't see a 73 year old woman in that photo! But there she is - my goodness she looks wonderful! I looked at your list of your mother's traits and all I can say is - I don't swear like a construction worker. That makes the comparison between your mother and me about 31 to her, 1 to me! ;) How I wish I could be more like her! And I bet you are like her too, but you are so busy admiring her, and justly so, that you don't notice how much she has rubbed off on you. Happy Birthday to your wonderful mother, and thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute.

  4. Oh Alison~ What a beautiful tribute to your mother. Happy birthday and blessings to her on her 73rd birthday!

  5. What a lovely tribute - you are very lucky indeed to be blessed with such a wonderful example. I wish you and your mother many many happy years to have each other.


  6. She is beautiful and what a lovely tribute. I can only hope to have such a reflection from my children. She is berry blessed to have you for a daughter, no matter how far from the tree you may be ;-)

  7. She is beautiful!! I can't believe she's 73!!!! I would never have guessed! You look so much like her too!!! I hope she had a wonderful, blessed birthday!

  8. Aw, what a lovely tribute!! Your mother is beautiful both inside and out! You are JUST like her!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Great pics!
    My Moms birthday is also in Feb...my sis in law , 1 aunt and 1 cousin. It's a wonderful month for celebrating beautiful people!


  9. A beautiful tribute, indeed, for a truly beautiful woman! +JMJ+

  10. Beautiful!!! Allison, that is just so lovely, and so true, and I'm a teary mess after reading your perfect words. You and your family are an inspiration! ♥

  11. Friends, thank you! I love hearing from you and I love all your kind words.

    May God bless your mothers and your motherhood!


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