Fr. Shenan Boquet - Breathing Catholic Air - IHM Conference

Live blogging conference notes...

Father is the president of Human Life International. Our life is both a gift from God and a 
work in progress. How do we know which path to take? Who will teach us? Today the art of living is overshadowed by a false understanding of man and woman and their ultimate destiny. As cultures continue to collapse, it becomes imperative for all Christians to fully participate in the 
restoration of all things in Christ. 

How can we be a witness to the world ?  How can we change the toxic air? 

What's coming into my home?  What images are on the wall? What am I reflecting? Influences.

Even a little bit of "bad" can be very dangerous. Would you serve your family a little bit of a bad ingredient? Vigilance, our Lord says be on guard. Like a woodpecker with a hole, a little pecking occurs and the hole gets pecked bigger.

If God is not the true center of our culture....He is not King.  You can not serve two masters. Important to recognize little threats that tear us from our faith.  

What kind of air do you bring with you?  

Be willing to challenge, challenge cursing. Stand before the Lord and bear witness for your life. Live for God.

When you look at our Christian community, it's hard to distinguish it from the world. Yet we should stand apart.  1.4 billion Catholics but such a small % who live their faith.  We have to be willing to speak, to intervene, to correct. Accountability.  

There's only one Truth.

Living our faith requires sacrifice and suffering. People get fired for it. Breathe out Catholic air, remind people of our Catholic identity. Everyone of us is called to be everyone we meet!

Pray rosary everyday, get to one daily Mass, confession monthly, have family dinners, pray scripture, witness for Life with your family at abortion facilities.

When you see horror, you are called to change it.  Our young people are our HOPE!

Order this talk and any or all of the conference talks at


  1. Terrific notes!
    Thanks for sharing,. Allison. You are doing many a great service by doing this.

  2. Thanks, Chris! We all need encouragement and to be around others who inspire us and support us and these conferences do that. But not everyone can attend and I so want to bring a bit of to all who need it.

    Hope it helps. God bless.

  3. Thanks for posting this, his talk was amazing! I'm the back of the head all the way to the right lol

  4. Thank you so much for these posts. IHM came to my state this year, but I didin't make that, or this one this year. Hubby and son had a scouting trip same weekend. These are great. Having a baby helps me see it's time for renewal.


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