Fr. Larry Swink on Spiritual Reading - IHM Conference

Live blogging notes from conference....

Fr. Swink 's lecture was entitled You Are What You Eat, taking a look at spiritual reading and staying away from mental junk food.

Father said that there's a study that said 1% of Catholics have read a Catholic book this year but Americans watch TV, on average, for over 8+ hours a day. Yet, no one ever exclaimed, after watching TV, "That TV program has made me a better person!"

Media is informing us but it isn't uplifting..we're attracted to JUNK FOOD!

St. Philip Neri said that spiritual reading preserves piety. St. Alphonso Liguori said that without good books of spiritual reading it is morally impossible to save our souls.

Today, who can recite the the 10 Commandments in order...yet we know the names of the Jonas Brothers! We need a steady diet of soul food. If we read just 5 pages a day, every day, we'd read 1, 825 pages a year.

Spiritual reading will inspire you and give you something to pray about, God will bring up things to you through it. St. Jose Maria Escriva said  to not neglect spiritual reading for it has made saints.  There are so many high quality spiritual books where we can learn from the saints and find answers.

Father had a list of 100 Catholic books her recommends but the handout were snatched up quickly.  I'll be looking into getting that list and sharing it. In the meanwhile, I'm going to get 5 pages of reading in...

*UPDATE*  This might be the list -  

Order this talk and any or all of the conference talks at


  1. Thank you for taking notes Alison. I am learning a lot

  2. Thanks, Annabelle!

    We all need encouragement and to be around others who inspire us and support us and these conferences do that. But not everyone can attend and I so want to bring a bit of it to all who need it.

    Hope it helps. God bless.


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