Faith & Family Magazine

Faith & Family Magazine is a delight to read. Glossy. Professional.

So much of my reading is done online now I think I thought magazines like this were only for the Hair Salon! But the magazine felt good in my hands. Long ago we used to subscribe, before homeschooling, before names like Danielle Bean, Celeste Behe, Simcha Fisher, Susie Lloyd, Kate Wicker, and Elizabeth Foss were recognizable to me. Now they are names on my Facebook and Twitter, bloggers and book authors I read or have read. And they write and edit at Faith & Family...their names and the photos of other blog families I recognized made the magazine feel so comfortable, familiar.

But, alas, to the impetus. A self-centered kids are in this issue! Lori Hadacek Chaplin included our eldest sons' and their Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form last Spring on pages 88+89. I especially appreciated that there was a description of the Sacrament and the way it was done up until recently and that they even boxed up a link to for further reading on the Extraordinary Form, the Traditional Latin Mass. I bought 2 issues. One for each of them to keep in their memory boxes.

But I am thinking of subscribing again. I enjoyed reading the articles and as I plugged in recommended websites, I remembered what I liked about F&F long ago. I loved being directed to websites, vendors that I wouldn't have know about otherwise...AND the focus is Catholic! Besides Mater et Magistra, which I rave about, what other Catholic magazines are out there? Supporting Catholic vendors hopefully means their businesses will thrive. If, like me, Catholicism is the world you surround yourself in, then you might consider these magazines as well to support that passion....and find Catholicism celebrated with voices and faces you may already enjoy reading.

We want those voices "out there."


  1. I tried Faith and Family, but felt they were a little too superficial. I think they're on the right vein, but it just wasn't my style I guess:)

    I love First Things, and I get a free subscription to Imprimus. I love reading through both of those publications.

    Of course, now that I know a blogger I follow is in Faith and Family I'm going to have to take up my gf's offer to save her copies for me! Congrats on that!!!

  2. Congratulations! :) Wish we had the Extraordinary form here available still...we are actually praying that the Lord sends my beloved a job elsewhere so we can go to one ;)

    By the way, when I tried your links at the bottom of this post to share on either Twitter or FB it said this: "Page not found
    Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog Totus Tuus Family & Catholic Homeschool does not exist." Thought you might want to know.


  3. Patty - I think that's why I stopped subscribing before...

    Going to look up Imprimus, haven't heard of that.

    Erika, I really appreciate the heads up on the sharelinks. Thanks!

  4. It was wonderful to open the magazine and see your family there, Allison! :-) So glad you were able to get the issues for your boys.

  5. I loved seeing your family in the mag! I agree it's important to support the catholic things that are out there.

  6. Imagine my joy to see your lovely family in a copy of F&F! I scooted around the house showing everyone the pics of MY MODG family! I enjoyed the article, too!


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