20/52 - Rain Rider

Joining Barb in 52 weeks of daily life in pictures: trials and celebrations, the extraordinary and mundane --

whatever is unique to the week.

Like many areas, we had a ton of rain this week. I love the rain.

I find it so cozy and comforting to see my bright house take on the darkness of of a stormy day. The sound of the rain on the roof and windows, watching the huge trees bend in the wind just sets such a mood in my house. I want to make a cup of tea and stare out the window.

Like his older brothers before him, my youngest son (above) has to get "in" it at some point. Watching the storm from the front door, or the sliders to the deck or even sometimes from the garage it over takes my children at some point and they have to dance in the rain.

They'd object to the word dance, but it is a celebration. It is our nature study. They run, they scream, they joyfully look up for a good pelting in the face. They get a little crazy and drenched and laugh about it.

Littler days....

Thank you, God, for rainy days. We'll soak'em in.


  1. I love it!!!

    At first, I was like, who are those boys...they look like yours, but aren't your boys older? Then I went back and saw..."Littler days"

    Very cute!
    Fun memories.
    We are in the first day of our many rainy days in a row, we had plans to go to the zoo today...we cancelled. Might have to dance in the rain instead!

    (the girls did jump on the trampoline when it just started to rain this morning, in their jammies, now wet jammies, because they knew it would be raining for days and days!)

  2. Great pictures, Allison. God bless those boys that rejoice in the rain!

    PS Maybe you have future farmers there!

  3. I like a rainy day, too. I always light a few candles... cozy! Good opportunity for a movie with the kids and some snuggle time! God bless

  4. Love it! I really like seeing when children love life with no reservation! :-)

    There is something so soothing about the sound of raindrops on the roof. You're right, a warm of cup of tea, a rainstorm and perhaps even a good book in hand make for a wonderful, relaxing time.


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