O Sorrowful Mother, hear my prayer...

Early morning telephone awakens, the sound of tears.

I grab the beads and press them, making indents in my fingers as I pray for Divine Mercy.

Now, with my own tears I ask my husband beside me, "How can God bring something good out of this?!"

He squeezes my hand and after a pause he says, "That's what Mary must have felt at the foot of the Cross."

I suck in my breath at the image of that, the Truth of it.

And after that pause he speaks more truth, "They took her Son, too."

The connection is painfully relevant. Immediately I pray to her.

O Sorrowful mother, please intercede in prayer and comfort my dear sister. Show yourself to her who shares a small measure of your sorrows. May she recognize and embrace you. Be a heavenly mother too to their baby son born into heaven this day.

Lord, thank you for sparing my sister's life. Help her and my brother-in-law to heal from this pain, this sharing of your Cross.

Thank you, ALL, for your prayers and many kind messages on behalf of my family.


  1. My heart is saddened as is the Immaculate Heart of our Mother...your intentions are embraced there. In my prayers~Theresa

  2. Oh my dear freind, I am sorry please know we will continue topray for your family. You have a saintly husband.


  3. Ohh not at all what I wanted to hear. We are praying for everyone.

  4. Oh My! Praying for all in your family and so sorry for your loss:(

  5. I'm so very sorry, Alison. I will continue to pray for your sister and your family. :(

  6. So sorry to hear this. God's will be done. My Jesus, Mercy!

  7. dear Alison, I am so sorry. so very sorry to hear of this news. your sister's dear child is a saint at Jesus's feet and his face is glowing from the rays of Christ's light shining on him. I am praying for your sister and her husband and the little dear one, and your family.

  8. I am so sorry for your sister's loss and your family's loss. You have our family's promise of prayer that they may feel comfort and someday truly know the graces of redemptive suffering. May Our Lady wrap them tight within her mantle of protection for now. Showers of God's love to you all.

  9. You have my sympathy, Allison, as does your sister. I pray she recovers both physically and emotionally, and finds some joy in having her child with Jesus.

  10. Allison,
    I have been reading for some time, a quiet fan. I am sad to hear your news. I know the feeling of losing a little one. It's all too painful.
    I will have your sister, her husband and your family in my rosary prayers. Even though we have not met in person, the pain is all too close to home and very familiar to anyone who has encountered it. There is a song called Glory Baby, that I listen to often when I pray for my baby. It's a bittersweet song, but one that makes me smile at times, because I know my Baby is with our Beloved Lord, Jesus and with all the angels. May God bless you and your family. Your family blog is so beautiful! God bless you! {internet hugs}

  11. Thank you so much for your caring words, friends. The prayers are so appreciated...so grateful for this community.

    Jackie C,so nice to hear from you. Thanks for writing and for the Glory baby song. Someday soon I will send it to my sister.

  12. Oh, I felt a catch in my throat when I saw the title of this post. I am so sorry and will continue to lift your sister and her husband up in prayer. May God bless you all. +JMJ+

  13. Dear Allison...my heart breaks for you in this loss. May God bless your sister...indeed, your whole family. We will hold you all in prayer. Jesus, I Trust In You!

  14. Dear Allison~You have the promise of our family prayer for your sister and your whole family. In fact I left a comment a day or two ago and I'm sorry it must not have gone through...I was just praying for your sister and your family this afternoon. I am SO very sorry for this loss in your dear family. God bless you and Mother Mary hold them close and bring them comfort beneath the folds of her mantle.


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