Look at the Crucifix

Father Angelus Shaughnessy emailed today...

"Saint Thomas said he learned more from the Crucifix than from all the books of theology he read. Small wonder!


If you would like to know God, look at the Crucifix!

If you would like to love God, look at the Crucifix!

If you want to serve God today, look at the Crucifix!

If you wonder what you are and your worth, look at the Crucifix!

If you wonder how- He tries to prevent you from the yawning jaws of hell, look at the Crucifix!

If you wonder how much He will help yon to save your immortal soul, look at the Crucifix!

If you wonder how much you should forgive others, look at the Crucifix!

If you wonder how much you should do for the salvation of souls, look at the Crucifix!

If you wonder how much your faith demands of you, in humility, poverty, charity, meekness and every virtue, look at the Crucifix!

If you want to know what unselfishness and generosity are, look at the Crucifix!

If you wonder how far your own unselfishness should go, to bring others to Christ, look to the Crucifix!

If you want to understand the need for self-denial and mortification, look to the Crucifix!

If you wish to live well, look to the Crucifix!

If you wish to die well, look to the Crucifix!"

copyright Father Angelus Shaughnessy, Order of Friars Minor Capuchin Saint Clare of Assisi Friary, 622 Delaware Ave. Clairton, Pa 15025 web site: www.fatherangelus.com


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