Don Camillo and other Movie Recommendations

Around this blessed blogsphere I have picked up a number of movie recommendations.

(click on the titles for previews)

Uncle Nino was a family charmer. Very sweet, the way you wish movies would be today and it had recognizable actors in it! Parent review. A message about what's important in life and the value of family made this a film for the whole family.

The Maldonado Miracle had a great ending, again family friendly with recognizable actors. Christ can bring forth miracles regardless of our actions and in any way He chooses.

For me, while the rest of them slept, The Young Victoria, was a real movie and a gem! I could watch movies like this non-stop. Sumptuous! Loved the history and the romance and the fine acting.

Allow me now to make a recommendation of my own.

My husband had been burning podcasts from Father Z reading from the novels Don Camillo. The boys luved the voices Father had for Don Camillo and the statue of Jesus that spoke to the priest. My one son liked it so much he asked for the books for Christmas and after he read them I went online to see if I could find any movies...and I did!

Reliable 'ole Netflix has them and subtitled in English. I read the subtitles into the ear of my 5 year old but the rest of us felt as if they didn't exist. The movies were hilarious and wonderful and totally captivated good as the book I'm told. We still laugh over scenes we recount to one another. We want to own them and find more!!!

Don Camillo is a strong, masculine, humorous priest with a frenemy you'll also luv. I hope you'll check them out and enjoy them as much as we do.

1 comment:

  1. I can't agree with you MORE on Young Victoria and Don Camillo for sure! I have the latter in book form also, rich and wonderful. But, oh boy, the Young Victoria is a mini version of "Victoria and Albert", an epic version of the same (worth watching too for even more of the same story). Love your new profile pic! Hugs.


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