Homeschooling Can Be A Prayer

Homeschool Encouragement by Camille Kendall -

"I can't think of anything more intensely sanctifying than living together in the crucible of shared family experiences. In this context, none of us can escape the reality of our own sinfulness, and none of us has the opportunity to go too long without the correction, compassion, and/or encouragement of a brother or sister or parent or child. Each of us is challenged by those around us—those who observe us constantly and who see us without a facade—to align our practice with our faith, to love our Lord and our neighbor "not in word or in tongue, but in deed and truth." Call it Extreme Sanctification: Homeschool Edition. Where else will you find so many daily opportunities to run to the Cross, to repent, and to rest in the sufficiency of the work of Christ?"

I wonder....if my children were away from me all day, would I see such insights into myself and into them? Homeschooling can be a prayer.

When I see the way one child procrastinates, like I can, and I want to encourage a better approach.....I pray in supplication....

When I see another child get to work immediately and I admire their motivation...I pray in thanksgiving...

When we are reduced to peals of laughter...I pray in thanksgiving...

When the correction pen makes the page a tad too colorful and a doubt arises...I pray in supplication and then in thanksgiving that we can slow down and try again ....

When I see an older sibling, without my requesting it, help a younger sibling whether by reading to them, or with them, or giving them a spelling test, or teaching them a math concept when I am busy with another....I pray in thanksgiving...

When I see us all frustrated and snapping at one another...I pray in supplication...

And when those prayers lead to a revelation and a discussion of faith and family that changes hearts....I pray in thanksgiving.

We are learning together and this time together IS A PRAYER.


  1. Makes me miss the constant of home schooling! I still school them w/ homework and projects etc. and the Faith etc. Still, they are away from me for the better part of the day . . . I miss them.

  2. Beautiful! I need to post this up in the school room...and my bedroom....and bathroom....and by the kitchen sink.....

  3. When my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, a priest blessed them and prayed over them and said that their marriage is a living sermon. So is homeschooling! It's a prayer than never ends!

  4. This is so beautiful Allison. I wish we lived closer so you could share this encouragement with me face to face...

  5. Great idea, Jamie. We needs reminders at our rest stops along the way/day.

    Kathleen, I love that about the living true.

    Jenny, it would be my wish too for the same reasons! Your blog is a daily inspiration!


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