45 blessings

5:46 AM
So much to be thankful for...
(in random order)

1. Forgiveness, a merciful God and the Sacraments of His Church

2. Family - amazing parents, best friend siblings, the greatest inlaws

3. Friends - due to Facebook, I have never had so many birthday greetings. So touched.

4. Homeschooling and it's community - the larger one and our local friends

5. The Latin Mass and our community of friends, priests

6. health

7. memories

8. dearly departed

9. coffee and the Keurig

10. conveniences of modern living

11. paint

12. laughter, and the humor and wit around me that brings it on

13. LOST and it's return a week from today!

14. Faith - FINDING IT!

15. enough

16. Company my husband works for

17. Our home

18. photography & video

19. inspiring books, films

20. music, the soundtrack of our lives

21. education (the one my generous parents afforded me and the one I'm giving my children)

22. shampooed hair snuggles and kid kisses

23. margeritas

24. the beach

25. privilege

26. evergreens and our other trees.. and the wind through them

27. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the saints

28. creativity & gifts

29. animals

30. inside jokes and phrases

31. peeper frogs and their night music

32. laughing myself to sleep

33. some wild & crazy memories

34. the internet

35. a teaching Magisterium

36. lives that have inspired me

37. The Eucharist

38. LOVE, lots of it

39. organization and tidyness

40. wireless mouse & my laptop

41. Catholic curriculum providers

42. my husband

43. my children

44. children who pray

45. the hope of heaven as my purpose


  1. I am thankful for you and what you bring to our blogging community!

  2. Hey Dear Freind Tea is on me.


  3. I'm gonna make my own list and post it on the refrigerator. Thanks for the inspiration! I love the one you wrote: laughing myself to sleep.

  4. AG...I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! I've been so lost in the haze of pain and recovery. May God bless you with many more wonderful years. Hope to meet you one day, my friend!


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