Wordless Wednesday ~ recent Family Photos


  1. You do have one heck of a handsome family!!!! God bless you all with a wonderful Advent.

  2. Christmas card material!!!!

    I have been with you so long I can tell your kids have grown a lot this fall!!

  3. Beautiful! But your picture is dark...and why are you hiding behind your husband? You're so pretty, I want to see you better!

  4. Thanks Sarah, back attcha!

    Christine, you are so right. I can't keep my oldest in pants he is growing so quickly.

    Jenny, we were taking pictures on Thanksgiving and I started with my sister and brother in law in that pose, their arrangement. I hated the flash look on theirs so we stayed with the natural light, and it was late. They just styled us the same way when they took the camera. Your so kind but I doubt ALL of me would fit in the frame...ha ha.

  5. Totally Lovely!!!!

    thanks for sharing your gorgeous family with us!

    a blessed Holy Season to you and yours.


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