The Reveal - Playroom to Living room

Before Nana died, it was our playroom.

There were colorful numbers on the wall (from my childhood nursery) and also the alphabet. There was a cozy chair for reading. A kid size table for the doll house, again from my nursery and shelves for toys made this a much lived-in spot. (And now has a lovely home in the basement.)

It was a place to be wild and play carpet hockey. It suited us well.

Nana was of a different era, a more formal one at that. In her words, it "burned her up" that I didn't have a proper living room. To which I would always say, "Someday, Nana..."

I wasn't ready for "someday" to come. She had planned, and I knew, that "someday" meant when she was gone. Then, I would have her living room furniture and items she had been showing me since I was little.

Suddenly she is gone, her Gregorian Masses began on the 4th, and life is in flux. Haven't felt myself to blog much and there are other things that need my attention. Like packing up her house, moving her things, crying, talking to my mother, missing Nana and bringing some of Nana's things here.

That feels better.

It feels like I can walk into a room and see Nana's things in it and almost feel her there....

We've been painting.


And now, it's time for the reveal...

Below is Nana's curio cabinet, a wonder-land.

The focal point, her Kittinger.

This dark, Williamsburg-ish blue color was suggested by our eldest son. Glad we followed the fearlessness of the 14 year old with this bold color that has given the room such richness.

More of Nana's things to come in later posts....


  1. It looks beautiful. How wonderful to have a living reminder of your Nana.

  2. Just gorgeous! I was afraid I was going to have to ambush you to see it!

  3. It looks beautiful Allison. I have been thinking about you, wondering how you are doing. It is nice to hear from you.

  4. WOWZA!!!! What a transformation! Your more formal living room is so cozy with that lovely shade of blue and all your Nana's precious belongings. I'm sure she would be so proud of this room you've designed and detailed with such love in her honor. I have goosebumps thinking of your labor of love, so beautiful. <3

    I just have to add how much I love your gangster children here again to give me a great big smile. Hugs Mama...

  5. Sweet revelation, Beauty.
    Happy Immaculate. :>

  6. Stunning! You and your family have a knack for decorating. I prefer old furniture and the tradition it brings. What a wonderful gift from your grandmother.

  7. I think it looks beautiful!! Your son has great taste!!! Your Nana would be proud!!!

  8. Wow! What a transformation! It looks absolutely beautiful. Your nana would be so pleased =) God bless you as you continue to grieve and feel her loss. May He wrap you in His love and give you peace.

  9. Wow!!! What a beautiful room!! What a beautiful tribute to your nana, what a special place to be.

    Great job!! So what's the punishment if the boys slip a hockey stick in there? :)

  10. You are blessed. What a treasure you have there.

    It turned out just beautiful.

  11. I will continue to pray Allison!

    The room looks amazing!

  12. What a lovely room in which to remember someone who meant a lot to you! The color is very striking and definitely a good choice! What a blessing to have her in spirit with you.
    God Bless.

  13. Exquisite!

    What a lovely tribute to your Nana to create such a haven...

  14. Not only is the room beautiful and full of memories of your Nana, I can really see it fitting your family.

    I have the same 'some day' thoughts about a more formal living room. There is something that just feels right about it (maybe my own memories of my Nana's living room are leaking through.)

  15. Is is gorgeous!!! What a beautiful roomsake of your Nana and what a lovely room! God bless and lots of love to you all.

  16. how absolutely beautiful! way to go to your son! nice color. very rich indeed!

  17. Allison, your/Nana's living room is absolutely lovely. What a blessing it must be to walk in and feel her all around you.
    Prayers still going out for Nana, and for you sweet friend.

  18. i've been thinking about you too, allison. i figured i'd give you some time. after all, when you lose someone you love, time and God's grace are the only things that eases the pain. glad to see you blogging again. and the room is beautiful. that blue is awesome.
    take care and God bless.

  19. I've been praying for you and for your Nana!

    How special to have a room full of memories to treasure! It tuned out just beautiful!!

  20. I am so sorry for your loss of your Nana. I will pray for you, your family and for your Nana.

    What a stunning transformation and that blue is GORGEOUS. Very elegant yet also welcoming.


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