Visiting the Elderly at Christmas

7:28 PM
Our Homeschool group visited a local Catholic nursing home today. The children made cards to give out and...perhaps a bit to their surprise....unrehearsed... we sang a half dozen or more Christmas Carols to an audience!

It was very sweet.

I needed that moment and will save it in my heart and memories for this Christmas...a time of Christmas spirit, of giving.

In the ornament you can see us somewhere IN the glow of Christmas

Singing their little hearts out

Handing out our homemade cards...

These homeschoolers ROCK!


  1. What a blessing! You all are such a handsome family and so wonderful of you to share your time and talents with people who need more visitors, especially this time of year.

  2. OH, what beautiful pictures you got and what a fun, memorable time for all, the young and the old!

    I love that ornament picture, how cool!!

    You look beautiful too!!


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