
...and more to come! Predications are for 18 to 24 inches. We're enjoying a real blizzard, which we don't get very often. Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Looks like a fun day in the snow! I just found your blog and love all the pictures and references to the Traditional Mass! We are also traditional Latin Mass Catholics. I look forward to following your journey! My husband has recently opened a Catholic Counseling private practice We are trying to get the word out among Catholics everywhere (particularly Traditional Catholics) as we feel that there is a need for Orthodox Catholics in this field. Take a look at the site if you get a chance and please feel free to link to it if you like what you see! I look forward to spending time on your blog!! Thanks and enjoy the winter wonderland!

  2. Looks like loads of fun to me!! Enjoy!

  3. Fun, fun, funn!!!!

    We only have a couple inches, if it's going to snow, it might as well snow a ton!!! Enjoy it!!

  4. Love the pictures.. Is the skating rink up yet? :)

  5. I was wondering about the rink also! Allison, please drop me a note.

  6. Did you really need to take the whole 18-24 inches?? We've got just a light covering and I sooo would like a bit more for skiing, sledding & snow-shoeing! Enjoy this out of the ordinary pleasure.

  7. I want to come and play with you guys!

    GREAT picture! Enjoy all that fun together.


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