The days that make us happy, make us wise. ~John Masefield

Lots of it here lately.

What should be done? How can I get too concerned about it when they are getting their work done? Why would I want them to always sit in their chairs and subdue their spirited sibling play? If they are getting good grades and building giggling memories with each other, why would I care what "the world" would think?

I'm distracted too. When will I stop measuring and comparing this education, this step "outside-the box" with THE BOX? I need to give myself permission to, as Mark Twain said, "...not let schooling get in the way of education".


  1. Great photo!

    They're young for such a short time (spoken as a mother with three of her children over the age of 18!). Light hearted play IS educational...they look like they're having so much fun ;-D

    BTW: I have a little "award" for you at my "place!"

  2. Thank you for this reminder! I so often feel like something's wrong because my children aren't sitting in chairs all day...forgetting, of course, one of the many reasons I homeschool in the first place! Why would I want to replicate in my home the experience I don't want them to have in school??

    It's so easy to feel like if they're having a good time, well, something's wrong. What a poverty of spirit!

    Thank you again. Your blog is such an encouragement to this Catholic homeschooling mom of three (all boys, 9 1/2, 6, and 3 1/2).


  3. What good and wise advice! I love the pic - your kids are so adorable!


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