I could cry.... Deo Gratias!

10:47 AM

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Mass FACING the cross. The Catholic faith teaches that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth, led by the Holy Spirit.

See Father Zulsdorf for more.


  1. Don't like to brag..but ours do that anyway!

  2. wow... I didn't hear about this! Thank you for sharing!

  3. It's wonderful! Amazing!

    I found your blog by way of the comment you left on mine. Your blog is much weightier than my little photo journal, and it's full of such good info. I'll definitely be back! :)

  4. hi i saw your wedding picture you are loveley in hebrew the words of song of solomon are
    ani le dodi ve dodi li, and there is a wonderful jewish melody with it when i see you next time i will sing it to you!!!!


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