Teaching Tuesday - Reading Aloud LITTLE WOMEN - Lessons Learned

I am revisiting a childhood favorite with my daughter.  This summer I am reading aloud to her LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott.  I've longed for this and it has been as sweet as I hoped!

We read a chapter or 2 a day and discuss it.  You just have to stop and savor it.  Besides the words and phrases to explain, there are virtues to discuss and I want to hear what she thinks...how she would describe what she's heard.  Retelling.

[ Charlotte Mason Method of Narration ]

[ Narration - The Best Way to Learn ]

This was the cover of my book, growing up. And when we are done with the book, we'll watch a few of the film versions. 

This has reminded me how fun reading aloud to my children has been in our homeschooling.  I was reminiscing with the older boys our read-aloud of Tom Sawyer and how there were times they rolled off the couch laughing. 

[Read what Hemingway said about that Mark Twain classic. ]

It isn't too daunting of a commitment, to read aloud. A chapter a day doesn't take very long. But these are times and memories I cherish and I believe they will, too.

With "teacher-eyes" I wanted to be able to share more than just the story of Little Women with my 11-year-old daughter, so I google for resources. Here are 2 I'd like to recommend.

[1]  THIS is a great article on lessons to be learned from Little Women.  
13 Essential Lessons ‘Little Women’ Can Teach You About Living Well

[2]  If you wanted to turn it into a full-on curriculum of unit study, THIS is a wonderful link with "tons of resources."

Tell me, what have been some of your favorite read aloud classics?

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