Motivational Books For Teens *UPDATE

For summer reading,  I like to put a formative, character building book in the hands of my children. What can YOU recommend?

They have read and enjoyed many classic fiction books and saint biographies and spiritual classics and I look for others in that motivational genre.

They've read:

Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations

 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

 The Art Of War

 How to Win Friends & Influence People

 Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma

and others on social skills and manners.

On Amazon, I saw some that looked appealing for my daughter.  But I'd like to make sure....has anyone ever read these?

Speak Love by Annie Downs

 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know

 Express Yourself: A Teen Girl’s Guide to Speaking Up and Being Who You Are
*UPDATE - A Mom wrote to me that this one promotes pre-marital sex and that parents know nothing.  OFF MY LIST!

PLEASE share your recommendations,
 I'd love to hear them!


  1. I have not read the books for girls you list. Does your library have them? You could preview them then.

    Could you tell me, who the author of "The Art of War" is?

  2. I just checked my library and they have the first two girls' books you list, but not the last.

    What about:

    "The Temperament God Gave You"
    "The Catholic Girl's Survival Guide for the Single Years: The Nuts and Bolts of Staying Sane and Happy While Waiting for Mr. Right"
    "The Catholic Catalogue: A Field Guide to the Daily Acts That Make Up a Catholic Life"
    "Radical Hospitality: Benedict's Way of Love: Benedict's Way of Love, 2nd Edition"
    "Time Management for Catholics: Make the Most of Every Second by Putting Christ First"

    Catholic Heritage Curriculum also has some good suggestions.

  3. Thanks for the author. Our library had two different authors for this title, so I wanted to make sure which one you meant. We checked out "Do Hard Things" and like it. We checked out "Speak Love," but my girls did not like it. We returned it today. I saw that you also crossed one off your list. Did you not like it?


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