
So we broke out of the homeschool classroom, cameras blazin' and made a run for it.

An assault of color was happening right outside our house and we had to respond.

Though the lens, our eyes scoped out our targets...and took the shots necessary.

Things are still pretty explosive out there....we'll keep our eye on it and our shooters prepped.

Ever vigilant and yes...a bit trigger-happy...

As my daughter enjoys the creative editing process, here's one of her shots ready for sharing. 


  1. I love fall colors and these are beautiful shots! The seventh down is magical!

  2. your daughter took these pictures? They are beautiful.

  3. Thanks, Mary. I love your photography.

    Thanks for the nudge, Nikki. These were my shots but I just updated the post with one from my daughter. She enjoys the creative editing process and this was her first "finished" one.


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