Palm Sunday - Everyone As An Actor In It

All the comedies and tragedies of playwrights, consciously or subconsciously, are commentaries on the roles played in Our Lord's Passion.

It is the one drama that is real, and there is no audience because everyone is an actor in it. The divine comedy is also a divine tragedy, depending on which role we choose. The children who waved palm branches had a foretaste of heaven's opposite.

There were others who preferred to take no part, but when they fled the scene they were like all those who prefer to live as though there is no theme to existence. God has endowed the human soul with the gift of imagination, enabling us to think of the past and present and future, like three acts in human history.

Each of them is part of the whole, and Christ's Passion explains all of them. We can be sorrowful if we think everything is over, or anxious if we think everything is uncertain or infinitely happy as we stay with him to the end.

As Christ carries his cross past us, he gives each of us a choice of what role we play. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, " Sorrow looks back. Worry looks around. FAITH LOOKS UP." (Reflection based on Mark 14:1-15:47 - Fr. George William Rutler)

Heavenly Father, help me to learn from the past and not be haunted by it, to rejoice in the present and not be burdened by it, and to hope for the future and not be afraid of it.



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