What Am I Reading?

Well, it’s an incredible read...alive with the human condition

It’s a page turner, every day.

I laugh, I cry and I pray ... as it often brings me to my knees.

And I also learn something from it; it introduces me to world events that lead to further reading.

Sure, some days it’s repetitive.

Some days it’s too much and I get annoyed by some of the characters.

But mostly it has brought me closer to humanity, helped me make new friends and draws me closer to my family.

It makes me a part of many communities and in some ways makes the world feel smaller.

Some days it’s an encouraging self-help, but it can be a horror, too.. 

Now some criticize it, avoid it and call it rubbish.  But I have found the good in it…

I am looking for the good.

The Good, the True and the Beautiful can be found in it....needs to be in it.

It’s name?  FACEBOOK.  (Also, part in the series…TWITTER and PINTEREST, Goggle+.)


  1. Hi Allison, I agree that social media can/should be a great tool to evangelize and a place to be kind and supportive of one another. I am fairly new to the blogging scene and still learning the ropes of social media, but would like to see it as a place to build friendships with those we would not ever know.

  2. Oh my gosh! You had me there ;) I agree...social media is a wonderful way to spread the faith.

    A cute story to share. My sister told me today how her 9 year old son came home and informed her that a little boy in his class told him he "...takes religion too seriously." (From a third grader.) I told her that sounds like a parent comment.

    This little boy told my nephew, "You even went to church before your cruise." To which my nephew replied, "Well of course! Haven't you heard of the Titanic?"

    Love it!


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