Candle Prayers

O Blessed Lord, accept this burning candle 
as a sign of my faith and love for you.
Like this candle, I am ready to be used in your service, 
without asking why and to what purpose.
Even as this candle, I wish to stand in your presence 
to be consumed in the light and warmth of your love.
Please hear my prayer and, if it be your will, 
grant my petition.
Above all, make me loyal and faithful to you in all circumstances of my life. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, true light that enlightens every man 
who comes into this world,
Bestow thy blessing upon these candles, 
and sanctify them with the light of thy grace. 
As these tapers burn with visible fire 
and dispel the darkness of night,

So may our hearts with the help of thy grace be enlightened by the invisible fire of the splendor of the Holy Ghost, 
and may be free from all blindness of sin. 
Clarify the eyes of our minds that we may see 
what is pleasing to thee and conducive to our salvation.

After the dark perils of this life, let us be worthy to reach the eternal light.

Through thee, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, 
who in perfect Trinity liveth and reigneth, 
God, forever and ever. Amen.

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