2014 - A Year in Review and Collagepalooza!

Looking back at 2014 in photos...with Dwija.

In JANUARY, I celebrated my last birthday of my 40s. We also Marched for Life and attending the annual Invention Convention

In FEBRUARY,  we visited College Boy in snowy, Steubenville, Ohio and I photographed beautiful St. Peter's there. Back at home, I photographed CandleMas and celebrated my Mother's birthday.

In MARCH,  we had a snowy St. Patrick's day. We mourned the loss of a dear family member, Lord Wedgwood, and my husband trained our growing cadre of Latin Mass altar boys.

In APRIL,  we again visited Steuby and spent our Easter Holy days there.  College boy's Rugby Team won the Championship and 2nd son got his driver's license!

In MAY,  3rd son had a spiral break of the tibia and fibula in baseball.  We will always remember his great attitude during  his LONG recovery. Two of my god-daughters had their 1st Holy Communions.  LINK There was Mother's Day and we  had our annual family reunion trip to the NNK.

In JUNE,  College boy was surprised by a visit from his girlfriend.  As is tradition, we celebrated my husband's Italian heritage with the Madonna Del Roseto Mass and luncheon. Also a tradition, we went to the IHM National Homeschool Conference.  Summer Sundays were spent at my parent's pool with lovely dinners.  We celebrated our wedding anniversary and also the first Mass of a newly ordained FSSP priest. Our daughter's softball team won the league championship!

JULY found us in our Ohio home again, where our oldest son wanted to spend his birthday.  One day was spent riding the rides at Kennywood and time spent with friends

In AUGUST,  our youngest...our daughter, turned 10 (MUSIC VIDEO) and there were other birthdays.  We spent our annual 2 weeks at the shore and College boy then headed back to Franciscan University for his Sophomore year.

In SEPTEMBER,  our 9th year of homeschooling began.  There was fun at the ballpark and we had our traditional field trip to CherryCrest Farm.

In OCTOBER,  I photographed lots of fall foliage.  Our 2nd son was accepted to Franciscan University, we had our traditional breakfast of Pumpkin Pancakes with Hot Apple Cider Sauce and we went to Frozen on Ice.

NOVEMBER, is a time of thanks... gratitude for a family holiday, togetherness, Advent and online homeschool classes.

In DECEMBER, there were lights, incense, santa, family and the wonder of the Incarnation.

Thank you, Lord, for all your graces and blessings.  Prayers for good health, the intercession of Blessed Mary & Joseph and the love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ in 2015.


  1. Beautiful post and what blessed memories! I love how you captured 2014 in great photo collages and words like this! Have a happy and blessed 2015!

  2. Oh Allison I loved your year in review in pictures! Have a blessed New Year my friend.

  3. What a beautiful year. Thank you for putting so much time into this!

  4. Gorgeous family and photos, Allison. My little sister is a sophomore at Franciscan. I bet she knows your son, at least by sight! :) Happy New Year.


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