A Helpful App for Homeschoolers

There's an APP that I find so helpful and useful in our homeschooling.  It allows us to bring our learning with us, wherever we are.

There are quite a few educational apps on our i-devices that assist our homeschooling, but today I am specifically calling out FLASHCARD+  to share.

Generous souls have added many of the flashcards we need into the offerings of this app. Today we even found Margaret Hayden's Beginning Latin II vocab flashcards on there! (Mother of Divine Grace)

In the past we have also found other LATIN flashcards:

  • Henle
  • Cambridge
  • Latina Christiana

Outside of Latin, we have used FLASHCARD+ for :

  • Multiplication tables
  • Mysteries of the Rosary
  • States & Capitals
  • Baltimore Catechism
And I am sure that there is more that we could find within their many search categories.  Maybe it's something you'd like to check out, too.


  1. Quizlet is similar to that; it can be used online or as an app. We found out about Quizlet when my eldest daughter was still in public school. It's one of the study helps that we carried into our homeschool. You can also find flash cards that have already been made by other up there. We use Seton and it's nice to find flash cards that have already been prepared.

  2. How do you like Beginning Latin from Margaret Hayden? Are there any sample pages anywhere?



  3. Hi Eva,

    We're actually back with the Memoria Press Latina Christiana series. We're more used to the way they teach and it works for my kids.

    Are you on the Facebook MODG group? Maybe someone there can share an image with you. Very helpful group.

  4. Hello Allison,

    I have not used Memoria Press Latin so far, but am using "Little Latin Readers, "Getting Started with Latin," and "Lingua Latina" before Henle Latin. I just noticed the other Latin series and was curious. I did get some sample pages from "Sacred Heart Books" earlier today, so I do have some idea. No, I am not on Facebook, so that would not work. Thanks for the tip, though.



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