Surfing with Scapulars

Catholic ...  E V E R Y W H E R E.

In all circumstances, devoted to Our Lord & Lady.

They swim with scapulars.

People on the beach notice them... mention them... sometimes it sparks conversation.

I pray it is a reflection of  Who is closest to our hearts. 

I have read that this was St. John Paul II's favorite hymn - Pescador des Hombres
Lord, You have come to the seashore
Neither searching for the rich nor the wise, 
desiring only that I should follow


O Lord, with your eyes set upon me,
gently smiling, you have spoken my name;
all I longed for I have found by the
water. At your side, I will seek other shores.

Lord, see my goods, my possessions;
in my boat you find no power, no wealth 
Will you accept then my nets and labor?  (Refrain)

Lord, take my hands and direct them
Help me spend myself in seeking the lost, 
returning love for the love you gave me. (Refrain)

Lord, as I drift on the waters 
be the resting place of my restful heart.


  1. I assume you have read Swimming with Scapulars? The author bought a rosary from my Etsy shop once and I was tickled (though I didn't let on that I knew his name and read his book). The scapular is such a great devotion. Many Catholics today don't even know what they are.

  2. I DO have that book Barbara! So nice to hear from you.

    Yes, the scapular is a Catholic treasure. Something SO comforting about it...I love seeing it around the necks of my family and it is such a bright spot when I see it peaking out of the stranger's.

  3. Again GORGEOUS Family!!

    Thank you for sharing not just your family, but thank you for being kind enough to share your experiences that serve as an example and inspiration to us all ♥

  4. What a wonderful post. I am a fencing instructor & fairly recent revert to The Church who wears her scapular & St. Teresa of Avila medal everyday. It has made for great conversation with various students, parents and other fencers at small and large tournaments. My four young adult kids who converted at the same time I came back all wear their scapular faithfully too. We are so grateful to have these sacramentals in The Church!

  5. What a wonderful post. I am a fencing instructor & fairly recent revert to The Church who wears her scapular & St. Teresa of Avila medal everyday. It has made for great conversation with various students, parents and other fencers at small and large tournaments. My four young adult kids who converted at the same time I came back all wear their scapular faithfully too. We are so grateful to have these sacramentals in The Church!


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