Farm Fotos

One of our summer blessings has been a beautiful day spent with friends on their 80 acre farm.

While the kids played dodgeball tag and the men smoked stogies and drank craft beers, I snuck off to capture the lovely textures of the surroundings.

My newest lens, the Lensbaby, requires practice to find the sweetspot.

I found lots of practice.

A special blessing...for me, hater-of-heat....was that it was an unusually cool day.  Their property is atop a hill where breezes abound and I knew I wouldn't have explored so much and traipsed through high grass if it hadn't been so temperate.

Colorful flowers speckled the green grass, always more to see if one takes the time to look.

I wasn't the only one "shooting."  The boys took turns shooting targets.

As the sun set over the hills and fields, the children and the parents meet back up on the deck to finger the beads of rosaries and fill the air with the sound of our prayers.

Deo gratias!

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