Teaching Tuesday - Sharing Educational Links & Owl Sighting

Scroll down for some Links for Learning that I came across this week.  But first....A magnificent Barred Owl watches from the trees in my backyard.

So excited that I caught the owl on camera and that we were then able to go down a rabbit trail, reading up on owls and identifying this one.

He so fits his description, at the link above, including his jungle monkey noises! (You gotta listen to it!)

And now, for some educational links to share...

I catalogue MANY homeschool, educational (grade level, subject-specific) and religious links on my Pinterest boards.  Browse there for much more!


  1. That is a wonderful owl picture!! My son is an avid bird watcher, I will show it to him.

    And thanks for the links.

  2. Wow, amazing pictures!! My 8 yo daughter will love these!


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