He left home...for College...

...my firstborn.

Milestone in a life...in our lives.

He's away and loving life at his University.

And I lost track of things in the shake-up. Like this blog.  THANK YOU dear and kind readers for seeking me out to ask me. "Where are you?" And, "Is everything all right?"


It's all good.

Just getting used to the new normal and in the wonder that life throws at you I got further and further behind in updating this blog. I WILL ATTEMPT to update, to catch up and I hope you will be here with me.

My boy left for college.

I miss him.

He left our driveway and moved into Steubenville, Ohio to attend Franciscan University. Like their motto says, and we find true....Academically excellent - Passionately Catholic.

We love it there and plan to visit often. If you have children visiting colleges, visit this one. During University Days in June and then Orientation in August and again for Parent's Weekend/Homecoming in October we heard speeches that made us cry. CRY. That such a place exists. There is such a feeling there....

Beautiful in all ways.

What also fills me with emotion is how quickly these 18 years have passed.



  1. Absolutely moving and amazing, Allison....now I'm going to hug my kids! I am beginning to see how it goes in the blink of an eye.

    You did a masterful job.

    And btw I am SO happy you're back. I rally missed you but I knew it was only a matter of time until you got into a rhythm and "back to a new normal" that you'd return to your TTF blog!

    Thank you for sharing, friend.

  2. So nice to hear from you! Congrats to your family and to your son. I know you are so proud and should be. What a blessing to be able to go to that school. I loved the video. They do grow up so fast!

  3. Good Morning, Allison!

    That was beautiful...thank you for sharing.

    What an awesome young man you have raised!

    And just the other day, I felt the ache in my heart thinking how very quickly the years have passed..My firstborn turns seventeen next month. It just doesn't seem possible. : )

  4. Allison~


    Would you believe I have been praying and thinking of you and had a *sense* the above adjustment was the reason you were quiet for a while? I have been wondering how you were doing...I have been there. Although the boys are closer (at school), they aren't home as much.

    You are so blessed to be able to send your son there!

    Beautiful video *sniff*.


  5. Thanks so much, friends and thanks for hanging in there while I got my act together.

  6. Lovey tribute to your beloved first born and God's blessings. I, too, am adjusting to this new season of life. I sent my first born off to college this year. She is 1k miles away, in TX. Trust that I will be praying for you and your son.
    Ad Jesum per Mariam

  7. So now you can finally sit back, prop up your feet, and just relax. Right?


    Congrats and God bless.

  8. No matter how old they are, they'll always look like babies in our eyes, won't they? What a beautiful tribute to the first 18 years of your son. They pictures express joy and strength, compassion and love. You have done a tremendous job so far. He will make such an excellent father or priest someday!

  9. Sniff, sniff... That was beautiful! If he likes older women, I have a beautiful daughter who turned 20 two days ago... long red hair, loves the outdoors and all sports, likes to go shooting... ;)

    It is an adjustment and bittersweet to watch them go out on their own. Our oldest son just bought his first home! So very proud, but we miss him terribly.


  10. Just beautiful, Allison. God keeps blessing you and your family. Sure miss seeing you! Take care of yourself!! ;)


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