Jersey Shore Strong

That TIME is upon us...earlier this year. We're heading to the surf and happy place...the place that speaks to who we are.

So, soon I'll be taking a lot more photos like these...posting them here, on Facebook and instagram to capture the beauty and memories.

And I hope you'll join me in enjoying the beauty of the Shore that survived Sandy.

So many years...

Kids growing moving away...

We'll be in Ohio dropping off our eldest at Franciscan College in August.


Stick around for my next "set"...they'll be coming in waves.


  1. Love, love, love all of these pics, Allison! What precious memories you've made!!! I, too, love the sea. I sometimes question why God chose this place and time (the Heartland) for me to live when truly I most at peace and feel God's love for me when I am beachside. Perhaps, that is His show me how difficult love can be, but is always possible regardless of time or place.


    P.S. We just returned from a 3,000 mile trip to south Florida from Kansas City, It was beautiful!!! But the Atlantic Ocean is so cold compared to the Gulf of Mexico!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!!! Amazing quotes. The sea...oh so intoxicating, isn't it!

  3. Love these lovely pics! We so love the beach too! We just heard an amazing talk by Peter Kreeft about our fascination and love of the sea! here is the link:
    His talk starts at minute 2...the intro has lovely paintings of the sea too!

  4. Beautiful...brought tears to my eyes! Love the ocean too and have soooo many memories of my children as littles splashing in the sand. Thanks for sharing! : )

  5. Oh, Allison! I am teary-eyed... just beautiful! +JMJ+

  6. I live in NJ and have been going to Ocean City for many years. Many good memories on the beach with my family there. Thanks for sharing, enjoy.

  7. Oh, those photos are so beautiful!!! I love what you've done with them! Your kids have grown so much this past year! Wow...I know some grads heading to Ohio...

  8. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing. And God bless your son at FUS this fall, he will love it! We were there for grad school, it is an awesome and transformative place.

  9. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing. And God bless your son at FUS this fall, he will love it! We were there for grad school and it is a wonderful, transformative place.

  10. I will be in your shoes next year. Taking pictures and amazed how fast time goes by AND letting go to a son who will be off to college. I don't know how the time went by so fast.

    Your photos are beautiful. You have a beautiful holy family. You are blessed.

    looking forward to more!

  11. Uh, OK, you told us already, it's Jersey shore...Doesn't everyone talk funny in New Jersey? (haha) I love that last photo, so cool!


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