Fr. Shannon Collins on Catholic Families Needing St. Michael the Archangel ~ IHM Conference

St. Michael the Archangel: Patron of Homeschooling Families St. Michael the Archangel is God’s special instrument in chaining up the devil and casting him into hell. In these dark times, homeschooling families are under attack by the state, the culture, and even occult forcesWe need St. Michael in our lives now more than ever.

Live notetaking during the talk, meant to give you a gist of why you'd want the MP3. (See link below)

Father (who I have posted about before) recounted that St. Michael said that he will protect those devoted to him from all enemies and the devil. Blessed John Paul II pleaded that the St. Michael prayer be returned to the end of the Mass, like it is in the Latin Mass.  A lessening of devotion to this great protector has seen an increase in satan's activity.

Recitation of his name and prayers to St. Michael restrain the devil. In the Latin High Mass he is invoked 5 times, a blow to the enemy.

In the last 100 years since Fatima we've seen an experiential increase in sin.

St. Michael's  Offices/Duties
* Highest Angel
* Name means "Who is like unto God"
* Delivered the 10 plagues to Egypt
* Led Israelites, brought Joshua victory
* In Daniel he protected the Jews
* Watches over Rome and the Pope
* Spoke to Joan of Arc
* Patron of police officers, soldiers, paratroopers
* Helper in our battles
* Brought the Blessed Sacrament to the Children at Fatima
* Escorted Mary to Heaven
* Held back Abraham's hand
* Stands beside you at your judgement

At his funeral Mass he'd rather have the St. Michael Antiphon...leading to holy light...than On Eagle's Wings.

St. Michael, a counter-revolutionary, is our role model as Satan occupies his throne.

Since 1999 there has been a 75% increase in homeschooling. Demons don't need to hang around Hollywood or secular leaders, public schools. That's already occupied territory. The devil is after practicing Catholics, priests and homeschool families. But you are in Christ's territory so St. Michael will be your protector.

The devil has his own instruments...MSNBC, the It-Takes-A-Village types, the Your-Children-Don't- Belong-to-You types.  But our values don't match the village's. So we need to raise advocates, lawyers.  Seek SUPERNATURAL help. Our enemies are not of flesh and blood, said St. Paul. 
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
 Demons are not supernatural, they're preternatural. They have no grace, hope. All moral evil has partly the devil's finger prints on it.

Father recommends the book Eclipse of the Sun by Michael O'Brien

Invite St. Michael into your homes and your devotions.

You can order this talk on MP3 and ALL the conference talks at

Fr. Shannon Michael Collins was born in 1964 and is a native of Cohasset, MA. After undergraduate and graduate work in history and education, he taught in Catholic schools for a number of years. Having completed his seminary training at St. Philip Neri Seminary in Toronto, Ontario, he was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 2000.

Father has been a very strong proponent of Catholic homeschooling and, over the years, a very popular speaker at numerous Catholic homeschooling conferences across the United States. He has appeared on EWTN and had previously served as chaplain for the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama. Father is currently a traditional religious priest under Bishop Roger Foys of Covington, Kentucky.


  1. Thanks or posting this, Alison! Sounds like a wonderful talk!

  2. I have enjoyed these "talk notes" as well.

    After Mass, I kneel and say the St. Michael prayer...while some in the congregation clap. I CANNOT stand it when people clap after Mass. drives me crazy!!!!!

    praying during these times.


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