
Lord, I pray that I may count my blessings more than I list my complaints.

I am a complainer.

I admire those who don't succumb to their baser instincts and keep their voice pleasant and frame of mind positive. I have to work on that.

Especially now. This is the time of year I find myself most scattered. Things converge. School is ending and paperwork needs to be collected and shelves need to be cleared and new curriculum needs to be purchased and...wait, do I sound like I am complaining?

Lord, thank you for the blessing that I can educate my children with the curriculum I find best, at a pace that matches their abilities, in a time when there is so much available to help me do so. Lord, may I embrace my crosses silently, offering them up for the graces needed by those that suffer more.

I so notice all the ways I fail lately, where I am lacking, where sin drags me down.  Lord, help me look up. Look up to You.  Look to Your Cross.

Prayer Before a Crucifix (indulgenced)

Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, while before Your face I humbly kneel, and with burning soul pray and beseech You to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope, and charity, true contrition for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment; while I contemplate with great love and tender pity Your five wounds, pondering over them within me, and calling to mind the words which, long ago, David the prophet spoke in Your own person concerning You, my Jesus: 
"They have pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all My bones."


  1. Beautiful. I don't like being around complainers...But you know it is the thing in ourselves that we dislike most in others...Great reminder Allison.

  2. Thanks Allison, that was a beautiful reminder :)

  3. I am a complainer...murmurer. I absolutely needed this quote from my fave Saint : )

    I think I am printing this one out.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  4. Ah, I've been complaining a lot, too, lately. This time of year is probably our busiest, and I am guilty of grumbling and being a tad cranky. As always, a good and thoughtful post! +JMJ+

  5. Dear Mrs Girone,

    Hi, I'm Timmy, my Mommy's guest poster.

    I mentioned you in my Mom's blog
    post. I am back, showing people how to make balloon swords. Next week, I'll show how to make a balloon dog.

    Very nice blog. By the way, what is it about the Latin mass that you prefer? I like the pictures on your blog a lot. Where did you find them?

    Thank you. I just wanted to let you know that I made another blog post if you're interested.


  6. Allison,

    I LOVE the pictures as well as your commentary on the sacrament of matrimony.
    You make a beautiful couple!
    Classic pics.
    Thank you.


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