Wordless Wednesday ~ Remember Kerplunk


  1. Love that game! We like Battleship, Apples to Apples Jr., Scrabble, Connect 4 and Guess Who.~Theresa

  2. Classics, Theresa. But I don't know Guess Who. Off to look that one up. We soooo enjoy our games.

    Find myself imagining a cabinet reorg so that we can better house and see our fun games.

  3. I totally forgot about that game!! Lately I've been playing Pick-Up-Sticks and Memory with my niece and son. Nothing beats the classic games!

  4. Mastermind! Remember that one? My siblings and I played that as kids all the time and my oldest got it for Christmas. Even the five year old loves it.

    Kerplunk looks great! Might have to get that for the next birthday we have here.

  5. Remember Operation? Little man received a Star Wars version of Operation. Very cute with cute C3PO and R2D2 noises.

    Off the top of my head, we like Clue, Guess Who, Life...and have a couple of shelves in a closet upstairs filled with more board games :)

  6. We were never, EVER allowed to play that game anywhere but in the basement -- my mother could not stand the noise! :P
    My husband is a game junkie, we have SO many. We like Apples to Apples, Mexican Train dominoes, Ten Days in the USA, Ten Days in Europe, Ticket to Ride, Milles Bornes, you name it!

  7. Be have been playing a lot of scrabble these days.

  8. We love Catholic-opoly:) And THANK YOU, got the Saint! That was a WOW moment about St. Charbel since I hadn't caught his devotion to The Imitation of Christ...Can't wait to learn and share more about him!

  9. oh, yes, now that I see the photo of the game. I remember. my daughter loves Cooties, a game from my own childhood.


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