Thank You, St. Louis Review!

2:13 PM
The News Paper for the Archdiocese of St. Louis has mentioned this blog in a recent article! (Also mentioned was Lacy's great blog, CatholicIcing. )

Thank you St. Louis Review. I am excited that more people might be encouraged to develop a relationship with a saintly companion for 2012. Even after 8 years of doing this, I am still finding new and inspiring comments from participators on how God is using His saints in their lives.

Read about the saints...these are the true heroes!


  1. Congrats! Thanks for what you do. I'm sure that you touch many whose readership you aren't even aware of.
    Pax Christi!

  2. Yes, they are the true heroes! how wonderful your were spotlighted in the St. Louis Review!

  3. Wow, Allison! Congratulations! I am very happy for you!

    God bless,

  4. Yeah!!!

    Oh, Allison, I tagged you on the pillars. Check it out.

    Hugs and congrats!


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