
At the Vatican Bloggers Meeting in May of this year I met Narda from the blog, From The Pews.  For me, there was something special about her. She just glowed. After the meeting we talked and we continue to "talk" online and I believe her kindness and generous spirit are the source of that glow.

While attending the meeting was the highlight of my year, it was also very intimidating. The other bloggers were so well-known and seemed to all know each other.  The organizers of the event, especially Richard Rouse, made it very hospitable, and I sat beside some friendly bloggers from Europe. I learned a lot and the event continues to shape my perspective on Catholic social media.

Today, I am reminded that it is Narda that spoke to me, a fish out of water, and continues to and I am so grateful for her kindness. I hope you will visit her wonderful blog. I am especially linking to a recent post of hers on silence, . For me, I want to make this practice a New Years resolution for all the reasons she mentions.

 "A heart that does not listen to God but just refrains from talking does not qualify as silence.…inner noise can be just as noisy as outside sound……Silence frees us from what people think of us, from the stresses of the day, from the noise in our own spirit. It enables us to break the bondage of things and people, by the power of the Holy Spirit."  


  1. That would be a good resolution for me, too, Allison, thanks for sharing and I will be sure to visit Narda's blog.
    Happy and Blessed Christmas and New Year!

  2. I will check Narda's blog out now.

  3. Allison!! =S

    Thank you so very much...I am speechless.

    You flatter me beyond belief!
    But know and remember this, you receive That which you Project!

    You are a Kind, Warm-hearted, Open and giving Individual! As was your Beautiful Family!!!

    You have been a True Blessing!

    Thank you for the Friendship, the Camaraderie and the Plug ;)

    Oh, and thank you for my Saint!

    I can already see why he chose me =S

    God Love You and Your Beautiful Family!!


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