Mary, Christ, Mass

In these next few days Lord, help me to focus on these things...

Mary, FULL of model of femininity and motherhood. She who said, "Be it done unto me according to thy word." She who ponder all these things inside her heart, in trust and holiness. She who ALWAYS, leads us to Christ...

CHRIST, my Lord and my God.  He who chose to humble Himself as a poor, defenseless babe. Who came to "serve, not be served." our midst. The Word made flesh. Emmanuel. Prince of Peace.

Mass, where heaven touches earth.  The Eucharist IS Our Lord. Prayerful participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is filled with graces, not to be missed. May I receive Him worthily.Soul nourishing. Healing.

And for you, dear reader, may I wish you the same....Mary, Christ Mass.


  1. Oh, how beautiful! Mary, Christ Mass to you, too!

  2. That was the one of the best things I have ever read! God bless you. Oh, and Mary, Christ Mass to you, as well :)


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